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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: a pearl among women
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Dictionary English German: a pearl among women

Translation 1 - 50 of 31901  >>

a pearl among womeneine Perle {f} unter den Frauen
Partial Matches
among women {adv}unter Frauen
bibl. relig. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.Du bist gebenedeit unter den Frauen, und gebenedeit ist die Frucht Deines Leibes, Jesus.
among a crowd {adv}inmitten einer Menge
among a crowd {adv}mitten unter vielen Leuten
among a / the crowd {adv}(mitten) in der Menge
one among a thousandeiner unter tausend
to reckon among a classzu einer Klasse rechnen
idiom a prince among meneine herausragende Erscheinung {f}
a sparrow among hawksein Spatz {m} unter Habichten
film F A Walk Among the Tombstones [Scott Frank]Ruhet in FriedenA Walk Among the Tombstones
art F Woman with a Pearl Necklace [Jan Vermeer]Junge Dame mit Perlenhalsband
to know a lot about womensich bei den Frauen auskennen
lit. F Women in a River LandscapeFrauen vor Flußlandschaft [Heinrich Böll]
film F Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown [Pedro Almodóvar]Frauen am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs
quote Who does not love wine, women and song, remains a fool his whole life long.Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang, der bleibt ein Narr sein Leben lang.
lit. quote theatre All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. [W. Shakespeare: As You Like It]Die ganze Welt ist Bühne // Und alle Fraun und Männer bloße Spieler. [Übers. A. W. Schlegel]
among {adv}in den Reihen etw.Gen.
among {prep}inmitten [+Gen.]
among {prep}mitten unter
among {prep}unter [+Dat.] [inmitten, zwischen]
among {prep}zwischen <zw.>
among brothers {adv}unter Brüdern
among colleagues {adv}im Kollegenkreis
among experts {adv}in der Fachwelt
among experts {adv}in Expertenkreisen [unter Experten]
among experts {adv}in Fachkreisen
among experts {adv}unter Fachleuten
among friends {adv}im Kreis von Freunden
among friends {adv}unter Freunden
among industrialists {adv}unter Industriellen
among intimates {adv}in traulicher Runde [veraltet]
among ladies {adv}unter Damen
among laymen {adv}unter Laien
among men {adv}unter Männern
among others {adv}unter anderem <u. a.>
among others {adv}unter anderen [Personen]
among ourselves {adv}untereinander [miteinander]
among people {adv}unter Leuten
among singles {adv}bei Ledigen
zool. among spiders {adv}bei den Spinnen
among spiders {adv}unter Spinnen
among them {adv}unter ihnen
among them {adv}zwischen ihnen
among themselves {adv}unter sich
among themselves {adv}untereinander
among these {adv}unter diesen
among us {adv}in unserer Mitte
among us {adv}unter uns
among us {adv}untereinander
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