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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: abgestandenes Bier
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Dictionary English German: abgestandenes Bier

Translation 1 - 50 of 99  >>

gastr. stale beerabgestandenes Bier {n}
Partial Matches
brew FoodInd. gastr. beer {adj} [attr.]Bier-
amber fluid [sl.] [Aus.]Bier {n}
brew gastr. beerBier {n}
brew suds [Am.] [sl.] [beer]Bier {n}
yill [Scot.: ale]Bier {n}
brew aleBier {n} [Ale]
brew to brew beerBier brauen
gastr. to pull beerBier zapfen
draft [Am.] [beer](gezapftes) Bier {n}
brew alcohol-free beeralkoholfreies Bier {n}
brew near beer [Am.]alkoholfreies Bier {n}
brew non-alcoholic beer <NAB>alkoholfreies Bier {n}
brew Bavarian beerbayerisches Bier {n}
geogr. Bier PointBier Point {m}
gastr. bitter beerbitteres Bier {n}
brew FoodInd. gastr. craft beerCraft-Bier {n}
can of beerDose {f} Bier
tin [Br.] [sl.]Dose {f} Bier
brew brown aledunkles Bier {n}
brew dark beerdunkles Bier {n}
gastr. bottle of beerFlasche {f} Bier
gastr. jar [Br.] [coll.] [glass of beer]Glas {n} Bier
brew lagerhelles Bier {n}
brew light beerhelles Bier {n}
brew pale alehelles Bier {n}
brew light beerkalorienarmes Bier {n}
brew light beerkalorienreduziertes Bier {n}
crate of beerKasten {m} Bier
crate of beerKiste {f} Bier
clear beerklares Bier {n}
gastr. small glass of beerkleines Bier {n}
gastr. mug of beerKrug {m} Bier
gastr. light aleleichtes Bier {n}
brew light beerLight-Bier {n}
brew low-calorie beerLight-Bier {n}
brew ale [Am.] [beer brewed by top fermentation]obergäriges Bier {n}
brew top-fermentation beerobergäriges Bier {n}
brew foaming aleschäumendes Bier {n}
foaming beerschäumendes Bier {n}
brew small beer [archaic] [weak beer]schwaches Bier {n}
brew weak beerschwaches Bier {n}
six banger [sl.]Sechserpack {n} Bier
brew homebrewselbstgebrautes Bier {n}
stingo [Br.] [sl.]starkes Bier {n}
brew unbunged beerungespundetes Bier {n}
brew bottom-fermented beeruntergäriges Bier {n}
brew lageruntergäriges Bier {n}
beery {adj} [coll.] [smelling of beer]nach Bier riechend
beery {adj} [coll.] [reeking of beer]nach Bier stinkend
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abgesprochene Bedingungen
abgestandener Kaffee
• abgestandenes Bier
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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