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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: abgestempelt als
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Dictionary English German: abgestempelt als

Translation 1 - 50 of 2902  >>

labelled as {adj} {past-p} [Br.] [fig.]abgestempelt als [fig.]
Partial Matches
assented {adj} {past-p}abgestempelt
postmarked {adj} {past-p}abgestempelt
stamped {adj} {past-p}abgestempelt
to be branded [fig.] [as traitor, criminal etc.]abgestempelt werden [fig.]
to get labeled [fig.] [Am.]abgestempelt werden [fig.]
as {adv} {prep} {conj}als
at the time when {conj}als
by the time {conj}als
nor {conj} [archaic or dialect]als
once {conj} [with past tense]als
qua {conj}als
when {conj}als
being a ...als ...
next to last {adv}(als) vorletzter
in the guise of a ...als ... verkleidet
than ... put togetherals ... zusammengenommen
as (a) delegate {adv} [male]als Abgesandter
for a diversion {adv} [as a diversionary tactic]als Ablenkungsmanöver
fin. as the sole debtor {adv}als Alleinschuldner
as an indication {adv}als Anhalt
as (an) attachment {adv}als Anhang
as (an) attachment {adv}als Anlage
as an amenity {adv}als Annehmlichkeit
law as a lawyer {adv}als Anwalt
law as a lawyer {adv} [female]als Anwältin
med. as a doctor {adv}als Arzt
med. as a doctor {adv} [woman]als Ärztin
as a starting point {adv}als Ausgangspunkt
as an exception {adv}als Ausnahme
as an example {adv}als Beispiel
by way of example {adv}als Beispiel
as a reward {adv}als Belohnung
in reward {adv}als Belohnung
jobs as an occupationals Beschäftigung
by way of confirmation {adv}als Bestätigung
as a bribe {adv}als Bestechung
on visiting terms {adv}als Besucher
as proof {adv}als Beweis
as proof ofals Beweis
by way of proof {adv}als Beweis
med. for inducing vomiting {adv}als Brechmittel
relig. as a Buddhist {adv}als Buddhist
relig. as a Buddhist {adv} [female]als Buddhistin
relig. as a Christian {adv}als Christ
relig. as a Christian {adv} [female]als Christin
by way of thanks {adv}als Dank
in appreciation {adv}als Dank
fin. as a loan {adv}als Darlehen
fin. on loan {adv}als Darlehen
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Ähnliche Begriffe
abgestandener Kaffee
abgestandenes Bier
abgesteckte Kamera
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• abgestempelt als
abgestempelte Obligation
abgestempeltes Dokument
abgestempelt werden
abgestiegener Hoden

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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