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English-German translation for: abgestorbene Zellen
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Dictionary English German: abgestorbene Zellen

Translation 1 - 66 of 66

NOUN   die abgestorbene Zelle | abgestorbenen Zellen/[ohne Artikel] abgestorbene Zellen
biol. dead cellsabgestorbene Zellen {pl}
Partial Matches
med. natural killer T cells <NKT cells>natürliche Killer-T-Zellen {pl} <NKT-Zellen>
biol. enterochromaffin cells <ECCs / EC cells>enterochromaffine Zellen {pl} <EC-Zellen>
cellular {adj}Zellen-
cellsZellen {pl}
cubiclesZellen {pl}
wardsZellen {pl}
biol. B cellsB-Zellen {pl}
biol. beta cellsB-Zellen {pl}
biol. med. amphicrine cellsamphikrine Zellen {pl}
biol. adjacent cellsangrenzende Zellen {pl}
biol. bipolar cellsbipolare Zellen {pl}
biol. c-cells [parafollicular cells]C-Zellen {pl}
biol. clue cellsClue-Zellen {pl}
biol. D cellsD-Zellen {pl}
biol. med. degenerated cellsentartete Zellen {pl}
biol. eukaryotic cellseukaryotische Zellen {pl}
biol. Golgi cellsGolgi-Zellen {pl}
biol. HeLa cellsHeLa-Zellen {pl}
biol. hela cells [spv.]HeLa-Zellen {pl}
med. Hodgkin's cellsHodgkin-Zellen {pl}
anat. med. Hortega cells [microglia]Hortega-Zellen {pl}
med. Hürthle cellsHürthle-Zellen {pl}
biol. juxtaglomerular cellsjuxtaglomeruläre Zellen {pl}
med. LE cellsLE-Zellen {pl}
biol. human cellsmenschliche Zellen {pl}
bot. meristematic cellsmeristematische Zellen {pl}
biol. neuroendocrine cellsneuroendokrine Zellen {pl}
biol. neuronal cellsneuronale Zellen {pl}
biol. neurosecretory cellsneurosekretorische Zellen {pl}
biol. parafollicular cellsparafollikuläre Zellen {pl}
biol. prokaryotic cellsprokaryotische Zellen {pl}
biol. prolactin-secreting cellsprolaktinproduzierende Zellen {pl}
biol. Schwann cellsSchwann-Zellen {pl}
biol. serous cellsseröse Zellen {pl}
biol. T cellsT-Zellen {pl}
biol. dead cellstote Zellen {pl}
biol. med. transformed cellstransformierte Zellen {pl}
math. Voronoi cellsVoronoi-Zellen {pl}
biol. Caudius cellsCladius'sche Zellen {pl}
biol. dendritic cells <DCs>dendritische Zellen {pl} <DZ>
biol. memory B cellsGedächtnis-B-Zellen {pl}
gray matter {sg} [Am.]graue Zellen {pl} [ugs.]
grey matter {sg} [Br.]graue Zellen {pl} [ugs.]
biol. Hensen cellsHensen'sche Zellen {pl}
biol. plasma B cellsPlasma-B-Zellen {pl}
biol. activated endothelial cellsaktivierte endotheliale Zellen {pl}
med. Niemann-Pick cellsNiemann-Pick-Zellen {pl}
med. human osteogenic sarcoma cells [Saos-2 cells, SaOS-2 cells]SaOS-2-Zellen {pl}
med. Saos-2 cells [also: SaOS-2 cells]SaOS-2-Zellen {pl}
med. natural killer cells <NK cells>natürliche Killerzellen {pl} <NK-Zellen>
med. follicular dendritic cells <FDCs>follikuläre dendritische Zellen {pl} <FDZ>
med. myeloid dendritic cells <mDCs>myeloide dendritische Zellen {pl} <mDZ>
med. plasmacytoid dendritic cells <pDCs>plasmazytoide dendritische Zellen {pl} <pDZ>
biol. cells of Claudius [also: supporting cells of Claudius]Claudius-Zellen {pl} [auch: Claudius-Stützzellen]
biol. cells of Hensen [also: supporting cells of Hensen]Hensen-Zellen {pl} [auch: Hensen-Stützzellen]
biol. med. disseminated endocrine cellsdisseminierte endokrine Zellen {pl} [APUD-Zellsystem]
biol. med. clear-cell system [APUD cell system]Helle-Zellen-System {n} [APUD-Zellsystem]
biol. HeLa cells [pseudonym Helen Lane or rarely as Helen Larson]Henrietta-Lacks-Zellen {pl} [HeLa-Zellen]
med. peripheral blood mononuclear cells <PBMC>mononukleäre Zellen {pl} des peripheren Blutes
biol. alpha cells [also: alpha-cells] <α-cells> [endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans]A-Zellen {pl} [Zelltyp der Langerhans-Inseln]
biotech. protein-induced pluripotent stem cells <piPS cells, piPSCs>protein-induzierte pluripotente Stammzellen {pl} <piPS-Zellen>
electr. number of cells (connected) in seriesAnzahl {f} der in Reihe geschalteten Zellen
cell {adj} [attr.] [e.g. number, search, window, door]Zellen- [z. B. Nummer, Durchsuchung, Fenster, Tür]
acad. biotech. med. embryonic stem cells <ES, ES cells>embryonale Stammzellen {pl} <ES, ES-Zellen>
med. B-cell chronic lymphotic leukemia <B-CLL, B-cell CLL> [Am.]chronische lymphatische Leukämie {f} vom B-Zell-Typ <B-CLL, BCLL, B-Zellen-CLL>
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