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English-German translation for: able
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Dictionary English German: able

Translation 1 - 50 of 260  >>

English German
ADJ   able | abler | ablest
VERB  to able | abled | abled ... 
SYNO   able | able-bodied | capable
able {adj}
able {adj}
able {adj}
able {adj}
able {adj}
able {adj}
klug [fähig]
able {adj}
able {adj}
able {adj}
-able {suffix}
-able {suffix}
able {adj}im Stand [regional] [fähig]
2 Words: Others
mil. able-bodied {adj}diensttüchtig
able-bodied {adj}kräftig
mil. able-bodied {adj}tauglich
mil. able-bodied {adj}wehrhaft
able-bodied {adj}körperlich gesund
able-bodied {adj}körperlich leistungsfähig
able-bodied {adj}körperlich tauglich [veraltend]
less able {adj}minderbegabt
most able {adj}fähigste
most able {adj}tüchtigste
sb. was ablejd. konnte
2 Words: Verbs
to be ableimstande sein
2 Words: Nouns
able financierbefähigter Finanzier {m}
able mind [able person]fähiger Kopf {m}
mil. able seamanGefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Marine]
naut. able seamanVollmatrose {m}
able-bodiednessDiensttauglichkeit {f}
3 Words: Others
[we/they/you] are able to[wir/sie/Sie] können
[you] are able to[du] kannst
[you] are able to[ihr] könnt
able to act {adj} [postpos.]handlungsfähig
able to communicate {adj} [postpos.]kommunikationsfähig
comm. econ. able to compete {adj} [postpos.]konkurrenzfähig
able to concentrate {adj}konzentrationsfähig
able to criticize {adj}kritikfähig
able to decide {adj}entscheidungsfähig
able to exist {adj}existenzfähig
mil. pol. sports able to fight {adj}kampffähig [imstande zu kämpfen]
able to fly {adj}flugfähig
pol. able to govern {adj}regierungsfähig
able to hear {adj}hörfähig
able to inherit {adj}erbfähig
able to learn {adj}lernfähig
able to pay {adj}zahlungsfähig
sports able to play {adj}einsatzfähig [Sportler]
able to reason {adj}einsichtsfähig
able to resist {adj}wehrhaft
able to walk {adj}gehfähig
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Q 2023-06-21: not able to add words to vocabulary.
A 2022-10-17: gift on a special occasion? a gift conforming to the occasion? commensurat...
A 2021-05-23: = will (be allowed/able to) carry children?
Q 2020-12-30: able doing
Q 2018-11-11: songtext, lyrics Artist: Johnny Guitar Watson Who is able to help, i don...
A 2018-09-28: we were able to maintain a sales volume / to sustain sales of XX €
Q 2018-09-28: It would be helpful to be able to sort the translation wish list...
A 2018-01-15: only a few are able ....
A 2017-10-31: I wouldn't be surprised, if our member romy will be able to help.
A 2017-02-06: ... too far away from GB to be able to judge the situation ...
A 2016-10-20: Flüchtigkeitsfehler: able to do
A 2016-09-25: Catesse might be able to give you more information.
A 2016-07-14: ? able to be sonicated / may be sonicated
Q 2016-07-14: Does this mean what I think it does? beschallbar=able to scan?
A 2016-04-30: I am unable to act differently and do not depart from how I am able to act
A 2016-04-30: I do all I am able, and nothing more than I can.
Q 2016-02-16: He must have been able to sense/anticipate that.
A 2015-12-07: @geo255: There is no one - and I mean no one - able
A 2015-12-03: Agree with 11:56 suggestion. ... to be able to exert real influence: +to ...
A 2015-11-05: Yes, not able to perform. or not interested / no need .....

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