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English-German translation for: accepted
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Dictionary English German: accepted

Translation 1 - 50 of 114  >>

English German
VERB  to accept | accepted | accepted ... 
SYNO   accepted | recognised | recognized
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj}
sb. accepted
jd. akzeptierte
accepted {adj} [view]
gültig [Meinung]
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj} {past-p}
accepted {adj} {past-p}allgemein anerkannt
fin. accepted {adj} {past-p}mit Akzept versehen
sb. acceptedjd. nahm an
sb. acceptedjd. nahm entgegen
sb. acceptedjd. sagte zu
2 Words: Others
(currently) accepted {adj}geltend [vorherrschend]
accepted worldwide {adj} [postpos.]weltweit akzeptiert
accepted worldwide {adj} [postpos.]weltweit anerkannt
commonly accepted {adj}gemeinhin akzeptiert
generally accepted {adj} {past-p}durchgesetzt [allgemein anerkannt]
generally accepted {adj}gemeingültig
generally accepted {adj}landläufig
generally accepted {adj}allgemein anerkannt
internationally accepted {adj}international anerkannt
non-accepted {adj}verweigert
non-accepted {adj}nicht angenommen
popularly accepted {adj}allgemein akzeptiert
reinsurance acceptedzur Rückversicherung angenommen
twice-accepted {adj}zweimal akzeptiert
universally accepted {adj}allgemein akzeptiert
until sb. acceptedbis jd. annahm
until sb. acceptedbis jd. entgegennahm
when sb. acceptedals jd. zusagte
widely accepted {adj}weithin akzeptiert
world-accepted {adj}weltweit akzeptiert
2 Words: Nouns
fin. accepted billAkzept {n} [akzeptierter Wechsel]
fin. accepted billWechselakzept {n}
fin. accepted billakzeptierter Wechsel {m}
fin. accepted billangenommener Wechsel {m}
accepted conductakzeptiertes Verhalten {n}
accepted customgeltender Brauch {m}
accepted customsherkömmliche Gewohnheiten {pl}
fin. accepted draftWechselakzept {n}
accepted expressionübliche Redensart {f}
accepted expressionüblicher Ausdruck {m}
accepted factakzeptierte Tatsache {f}
accepted lotangenommene Lieferung {f}
accepted meaningakzeptierte Bedeutung {f}
accepted opinionakzeptierte Meinung {f}
accepted opinionherkömmliche Meinung {f}
accepted opinionübliche Meinung {f}
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A 2022-06-01: Does seems like an accepted variant spelling some time ago.
A 2018-07-09: @ Lllama: OK, accepted
A 2017-12-11: If the linguistic quality of clauses were an accepted criterion, two third...
A 2017-12-11: Yes, it's accepted usage now.
Q 2017-08-10: accepted the pilgrimage on the best terms in which it could be in...
A 2016-01-15: Specific Measurable Accepted Realistic Time Bound
A 2013-10-14: No accepted definition of "wellness center"
A 2013-07-26: €400 million, EUR 400 million and 400 million euros are the accepted forms...
A 2013-07-13: If the first part of the sentence isn't supposed to be quite so dramatic, ...
A 2013-06-26: Both my and me are accepted.
A 2013-06-05: it shouldn't be necessary .... sometimes there are certain places/compani...
Q 2012-10-23: to be accepted UPON a UK tender framework
A 2012-05-08: Any contradicting statement will expressively not be accepted
A 2012-03-14: It is - accepted
A 2011-11-18: Paul, should Global English then be accepted?
A 2011-10-25: Apologies accepted:))
A 2011-10-12: und wenn der nicht erwähnt wird? (You have accepted the following deal ...)
A 2011-09-10: @ WingDing: commas gladly accepted. Thanks! :-)
A 2011-06-30: All are accepted spellings, so perhaps all should be in there.
A 2011-03-23: probably "user defined security levels" and "court-accepted"

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