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English-German translation for: accessible
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Dictionary English German: accessible

Translation 1 - 50 of 79  >>

English German
ADJ   accessible | more accessible | most accessible
SYNO   accessible | approachable
accessible {adj}
accessible {adj}
accessible {adj}
offen [zugänglich]
accessible {adj} [at an accessible price]
accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities]
barrierefrei [behindertengerecht]
accessible {adj}
accessible {adj}
accessible {adj}
einsehbar [Akten, Dateien, etc]
accessible {adj} [for people with impairments / disabilities]
accessible {adj}
accessible {adj}wegsam [selten] [begeh-, befahrbar]
accessible {adj} [to](leicht) zu erreichen für
accessible {adj} [intelligible]dem Verstand zugänglich
2 Words: Others
accessible to sb./sth. {adj} [pred.]jdm./etw. zugänglich
directly accessible {adj}direkt zu erreichen
disabled-accessible {adj}behindertengerecht
easily accessible {adj}gut zugänglich
traffic transp. easily accessible {adj}verkehrsgünstig gelegen
easily accessible {adj} [by car or public transport]verkehrsgünstig
freely accessible {adj}frei zugänglich
generally accessible {adj}allgemein zugänglich
handicap-accessible {adj}behindertengerecht
handicapped accessible {adj}behindertengerecht
handicapped accessible {adj}rollstuhlgängig
handicapped-accessible {adj}behindertengerecht
spec. intuitively accessible {adj}anschaulich
more accessible {adj}zugänglicher
most accessible {adj}zugänglichste
non-accessible {adj}abgabenfrei
non-accessible {adj}unzugänglich
non-accessible {adj}nicht zugänglich
non-accessible {adj}nicht zu versteuern
poorly accessible {adj}schlecht zugänglich
publicly accessible {adj}öffentlich zugängig [seltener für: ... zugänglich]
publicly accessible {adj}öffentlich zugänglich
readily accessible {adj}leicht zugänglich
wheelchair-accessible {adj}rollstuhlgängig
wheelchair-accessible {adj}rollstuhlgerecht
2 Words: Nouns
constr. accessible ductzugänglicher Schacht {m}
RealEst. accessible housingbehindertengerechtes Wohnen {n}
tech. accessible partberührbares Teil {n}
tech. accessible partzugängliches Teil {n}
tech. accessible partszugängliche Teile {pl}
accessible priceserschwingliche Preise {pl}
accessible priceserträgliche Preise {pl}
accessible registerzugängliches Register {n}
tech. accessible surfacesberührbare Oberflächen {pl}
accessible voiceverständliche Stimme {f}
3 Words: Others
accessible by car {adj} [here: pred.]mit dem Auto / Wagen zu erreichen [nur prädikativ]
accessible by car {adj} [postpos.]mit dem Auto / Wagen erreichbar
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A 2012-05-09: The bay is also accessible/suitable for mooring in winter.
A 2011-08-30: Accessible is the usual translation -
A 2011-08-22: I interpret "online" as "on the web," accessible to anyone with a computer...
Q 2011-06-29: accessible and responsive
A 2011-05-15: The course wasn't accessible ? (not sure about that)
A 2011-03-02: wahrnehmbar machen > make available / accessible to the public, make publi...
A 2010-05-14: easily accessible
A 2010-04-02: accessible
A 2009-11-28: typo > roll-in shower ? ( > handicapped accessible shower)
A 2009-09-25: In welchem Zusammenhang? Wheelchair accessible table?
A 2009-08-18: muss Adverb sein: free*ly* accessible
A 2009-04-13: I like "ruins" - a ruin just seems sadder (more accessible) than a pile of...
A 2009-03-17: second thoughts: put together / made (readily) available / available at yo...
A 2009-03-16: accessible unloading point ?
A 2009-02-24: ... and make contents intuitively accessible
A 2008-11-15: accessible ... rubrics or categories ... ?
A 2008-11-15: well, you know it's accessible
A 2008-11-14: erschließen (durch Zufahrt) > make accessible; the property is visibly acc...
A 2008-10-10: make content accessible
A 2008-09-25: rendered accessible ?

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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