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English-German translation for: accompanied by
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Dictionary English German: accompanied by

Translation 1 - 50 of 4725  >>

accompanied by {prep}begleitet von [+Dat.]
accompanied by {prep}einhergehend mit [+Dat.]
accompanied by {prep}in Begleitung von [+Dat.]
med. accompanied by {adj}vergesellschaftet mit
Keywords contained
accompanied by documents {adj} [postpos.]dokumentiert
accompanied by documents {adj} [postpos.]durch Dokumente unterlegt
mus. accompanied by music {adj} [postpos.]mit Musik unterlegt
mus. accompanied by music {adj} [postpos.]unter Musikbegleitung [nachgestellt] [attr.]
to be accompanied by sth.mit etw.Dat. einhergehen [geh.]
accompanied by a teacher {adj}begleitet von einem Lehrer
accompanied by financial documentsbegleitet von Zahlungspapieren
accompanied by her husbandbegleitet von ihrem Ehegatten [geh.]
accompanied by his friendsvon seinen Freunden begleitet
accompanied by his secretaryvon seiner Sekretärin begleitet
accompanied by his wifebegleitet von seiner Frau
accompanied by his wifevon seiner Frau begleitet
accompanied by their familiesbegleitet von ihren Familien
A is accompanied by B.Mit A geht B einher.
accompanied by a girl {adj} [postpos.]von einem Mädchen begleitet
sb. shall be accompanied byjd. soll begleitet sein von
accompanied by a faithful friend {adj}begleitet von einem treuen Freund
accompanied by a paying adult {adj}begleitet von einem zahlenden Erwachsenen
sb./sth. must be accompanied by ...jd./etw. muss von ... begleitet sein
[we/they/you] must be accompanied by ...[wir/sie/Sie] müssen von ... begleitet sein
accompanied by a declaration of contents {adj} [postpos.]mit (einer) Inhaltserklärung [nachgestellt]
Unverified accompanied by a man / gentleman {adj} {adv} [postpos. as adjective]in Herrenbegleitung [geh.]
accompanied by a woman / lady {adj} {adv} [postpos. as adjective]in Damenbegleitung [geh.]
accompanied by men / gentlemen {adj} {adv} [postpos. as adjective] [e.g. journey]in Herrengesellschaft [z. B. Reise]
accompanied by {prep} [associated with, concomitant with]verbunden mit [+Dat.] [begleitet von, einhergehend mit]
sth. was accompanied by sth.etw. ging einher mit etw.Dat.
Partial Matches
accompanied {adj} {past-p}begleitet
accompanied {past-p}mitgekommen
sb. accompaniedjd. begleitete
accompanied back {past-p}zurückbegleitet
to be accompaniedbegleitet sein
mus. accompanied canongemischter Kanon {m} [mit unabhängiger Begleitung]
mus. accompanied fugueFuge {f} mit Begleitung
accompanied luggagepersönliches Gepäck {n}
mus. accompanied recitativeAccompagnato-Rezitativ {n} [auch: Accompagnatorezitativ]
med. accompanied with fever {adj} [postpos.]begleitet von Fieber [nachgestellt]
accompanied with music {adj} [postpos.]mit musikalischer Begleitung [nachgestellt]
accompanied on an instrumentauf einem Instrument begleitet
math. by threes {adv} <by 3's, by 3s> [in steps of three / 3]in Dreierschritten
by-passed by history {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]von der Geschichte übergangen
quote ...by Madam Ross exposed to town, I mean by those who will give half a crown. [Nell Gwyn]...durch Madam Ross vor der Stadt entblößt, für diejenigen, die (dafür) eine halbe Krone geben.
by {prep}bis [nicht später als]
by {prep}über
by {prep}von
by {adv}vorbei
by {prep}vorbei an
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A 2024-08-26: to be fed up with s.th. , to have it / s.th. up to here (often accompani...
A 2014-03-28: Some people simply invite puking at their feet accompanied by the interjec...
A 2009-03-14: Life's vibrations on land are accompanied by matching melodies on board
A 2008-11-24: einhergehen mit > to be accompanied by
A 2008-10-16: This results in a scapholunar dissociation accompanied by a lowering of th...
A 2008-06-26: A body transfer accompanied by a soul fly-over?
A 2007-08-20: This is accompanied by the attempt to pull the sting of embarrassment and ...
A 2007-08-20: This is accompanied by the attempt to pull the sting of embarrassment and ...
A 2007-07-09: appearances of nature? are accompanied by? or just: added?
A 2007-04-13: but only because my answer wasn't accompanied by an elaborate explanation :-)
A 2006-08-06: ...I totally agree!! I just had to find an excuse why the hitkock's "birds...
A 2006-06-19: met with/accompanied by public enthusiasm/enthusiastic interest
A 2004-08-11: I will be accompanied by 3 people
A 2004-06-16: cancer of the lung accompanied by verified / evident silicosis

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accompanied by men / gentlemen
accompanied by music

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