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English-German translation for: accountant
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Dictionary English German: accountant

Translation 1 - 50 of 50


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ADJ   accountant | more accountant | most accountant
NOUN   an accountant | accountants
SYNO   accountant | comptroller | controller
NOUN   der Accountant | die Accountants
acc. jobs accountant [bookkeeper]
Buchhalter {m}
acc. fin. jobs accountant [as a tax adviser]
Steuerberater {m}
acc. jobs accountant
Bilanzbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs accountant [female]
Buchhalterin {f}
Buchführer {m}
Rechnungsprüfer {m}
acc. jobs accountant
Rechnungsleger {m}
Kontenführer {m}
acc. jobs accountant [female]
Bilanzbuchhalterin {f}
Rechnungsführer {m}
2 Words: Nouns
jobs accountant generalHauptbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs accountant officerBuchprüfer {m}
acc. accountant's certificatePrüfungsbescheinigung {f}
accountant's officeBüro {n} des Buchprüfers
accountant's reportPrüfungsbericht {m}
accountant's returnrechnerische Rendite {f}
acc. jobs asset accountantAnlagenbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs asset accountant [female]Anlagenbuchhalterin {f}
acc. jobs assistant accountantHilfsbuchhalter {m}
assistant accountantHilfsprüfer {m}
acc. jobs chartered accountantvereidigter Buchrevisor {m} [veraltend] [Buchprüfer]
acc. jobs chartered accountant [Br.]Wirtschaftsprüfer {m}
acc. jobs chartered accountant [Br.]beeidigter Bücherrevisor {m}
acc. jobs chartered accountant <CA> [Br.]vereidigter Buchprüfer {m}
acc. econ. jobs chartered accountant <CA> [Br.]Steuer- und Wirtschaftsberater {m}
acc. jobs chief accountantHauptbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs chief accountant <CA>Chefbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs cost accountantKostenrechner {m} [Person]
acc. jobs cost accountant [female]Kostenrechnerin {f}
acc. ind. jobs factory accountantBetriebsbuchhalter {m}
fin. ind. jobs factory accountant [female]Betriebsbuchhalterin {f}
acc. jobs financial accountantFinanzbuchhalter {m}
jobs law forensic accountant[Finanzsachverständiger zur Aufklärung von Straftaten, von Staatsanwaltschaft oder Gericht bestellt]
acc. ind. jobs industrial accountantBetriebsbuchhalter {m}
fin. ind. jobs industrial accountant [female]Betriebsbuchhalterin {f}
junior accountantJunior Accountant {m} [Sachbearbeiter in der Buchhaltung]
acc. jobs payroll accountantPersonalverrechner {m} [österr.]
acc. jobs payroll accountantLohn- und Gehaltsbuchhalter {m}
acc. fin. jobs tax accountantSteuerberater {m}
tax accountant [female]Steuerberaterin {f}
turf accountant [Br.]Buchmacher {m} [Pferderennen]
equest. turf accountant [office] [esp. Br.]Wettbüro {n} für Pferderennen
3 Words: Nouns
accountant in chargeRevisionsleiter {m}
hist. jobs accountant in miningRezessschreiber {m} [Bergbauberuf]
acc. accounts receivable accountantDebitorenbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs certified management accountantBilanzbuchhalter {m}
acc. jobs certified public accountant <CPA> [Am.][amtlich zugelassener Buch- und Rechnungsprüfer in den USA]
acc. chartered accountant certificateWirtschaftsprüfertestat {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
acc. certificate from (a) chartered accountantWirtschaftsprüfertestat {n}
acc. certificate of (a) chartered accountantWirtschaftsprüfertestat {n}
» See 2 more translations for accountant within comments
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Search time: 0.020 sec

A 2011-06-02: Chartered Accountant?
A 2011-05-11: that even a tax accountant couldn't have made it any better.
A 2010-12-22: Also, my friend the Certified Public Accountant says
Q 2010-12-22: accountant
A 2010-01-11: Perhaps only an accountant could explain!
A 2009-08-18: In a BE context, chartered accountant is correct.
Q 2008-10-19: what kind of accountant
A 2008-05-16: Rendant = accountant
A 2008-01-23: certified general accountant
A 2008-01-23: chartered accountant
A 2006-10-26: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=wirtschaftspruefer++accountant&meta=
A 2006-07-20: Ich nix accountant ;-)
A 2006-06-22: Being no chartered accountant myself, I think Riddle's findings nonetheles...
A 2006-03-13: ÖNB typo: US - certified public accountant
A 2006-03-01: ? balance accountant

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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