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English-German translation for: accurate
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Dictionary English German: accurate

Translation 1 - 53 of 53

English German
ADJ   accurate | more accurate | most accurate
SYNO   accurate | exact | precise
accurate {adj} [precise, exact]
accurate {adj}
accurate {adj} [exact]
accurate {adj} [precise]
accurate {adj} [correct]
accurate {adj} [free from error or defect]
accurate {adj} [careful, meticulous]
accurate {adj} [coll.] [punctual]
accurate {adj} [correct]
accurate {adj} [also fig.] [unerring]
accurate {adj} [correct]
zutreffend [korrekt]
accurate {adj} [pinpoint]
accurate {adj} [precise, exact]
fein [genau]
accurate {adj} [true-to-life]
accurate {adj}getreu [Wiedergabe]
2 Words: Others
highly accurate {adj}hochgenau
hyper-accurate {adj}äußerst präzise
more accurate {adj}akkurater
most accurate {adj}akkurateste
precisely accurate {adj}punktgenau
quite accurate {adj}ziemlich genau
reasonably accurate {adj}einigermaßen genau
2 Words: Verbs
to be accuratezutreffen [richtig sein]
2 Words: Nouns
accurate accountgenaue Abrechnung {f}
accurate blowgezielter Schlag {m}
accurate copygenaue Kopie {f}
accurate determinationgenaue Bestimmung {f}
accurate earscharfes Gehör {n}
sports accurate passes [football]angekommene Pässe {pl}
accurate scalesgenaue Waage {f}
ling. accurate translationgewissenhafte Übersetzung {f}
accurate translatorsorgfältiger Übersetzer {m}
accurate valuegenauer Wert {m}
3 Words: Others
constr. tech. accurate to size {adj}maßhaltig
3 Words: Verbs
to provide accurate serviceszuverlässige Dienste bieten
to take accurate aimgenau zielen
3 Words: Nouns
more accurate approachpräziserer Ansatz {m}
4 Words: Others
accurate in every detail {adj}detailgenau
accurate to a millimetre {adj} [Br.]genau auf den Millimeter
accurate to a tenth {adj} [postpos.]bis auf ein Zehntel genau
accurate to a tenth {adj} [postpos.]genau bis auf ein Zehntel [nachgestellt]
accurate to the cent {adj}centgenau
accurate to the millimetre {adj}millimetergenau
accurate to the minute {adj} [postpos.]minutengenau
to be more accurate {adv}um genauer zu sein
4 Words: Nouns
accurate piece of workgenaues Stück {n} Arbeit
full and accurate information {sg}vollständige und genaue Informationen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
Accurate timing is the linchpin of the entire operation.Das ganze Unternehmen steht und fällt mit genauer Zeiteinteilung.
math. accurate to two decimal places {adj}auf zwei Stellen hinter dem Komma genau
Excuse me, but that is not entirely accurate.Entschuldigen Sie, aber das ist so nicht ganz korrekt.
still thousands of times more accuratenoch tausendfach genauer
5+ Words: Verbs
to be as accurate as possiblemöglichst genau sein [z. B. Werte, Messungen]
to certify a copy as (being) accuratedie Richtigkeit einer Abschrift bescheinigen
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A 2023-10-20: Make sure the words/phrases you suggest/list are correct and accurate – th...
Q 2019-02-20: accurate taxes
A 2017-11-24: ensures directional accuracy / a directionally accurate drive
Q 2017-06-29: which is gramatically accurate?
Q 2017-06-02: Is my translation accurate? Many thanks
Q 2017-06-01: Is my translation accurate? Many thanks
Q 2017-05-22: Please check if the translation is accurate. Many thanks
A 2015-09-14: day-accurate data
A 2015-09-14: accurate to the day / month
A 2013-12-10: Danke vielmals! So perhaps it's a little bit more accurate this way:
A 2012-09-22: "Have the courage to turn your dreams into reality" would be a more accura...
A 2012-05-27: A little more accurate: dandelion gone to seed.
A 2012-03-04: ... we reassure to carry out/meet/fulfil your order accurate and in time ...?!
A 2010-12-20: Looks like an accurate translation to me.
A 2010-04-08: Is the original English context accurate?
A 2010-03-25: More accurate:
A 2010-03-22: glitch doesn't seem to be accurate
A 2010-03-10: No adverbs with +to be+ - It's very +accurate+
A 2010-03-06: sugg 2. (probably more accurate)
A 2009-12-22: In AE, 'powder paint removal / stripping' would be more accurate for the p...

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• accurate
accurate account
accurate blow
accurate copy
accurate determination
accurate ear
accurate in every detail
accurately defined
accurately described

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