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English-German translation for: ace
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Dictionary English German: ace

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NOUN   an ace | aces
VERB  to ace | aced | aced ... 
SYNO   ACE | Allied Command Europe | 1 | I ... 
NOUN   das Ace | die Aces
ace {adj} [coll.]
genial [ugs.] [super]
ace {adj} [coll.]
geil [ugs.] [super]
ace {adj}
ace {adj} [coll.]
super [ugs.]
ace {adj}
klasse [ugs.] [indekl.]
ace {adj}
spitze [ugs.]
to ace [sl.] [cheat]
to ace sb. [sl.] [to kill sb.]
jdn. umlegen [ugs.] [salopp] [umbringen]
educ. to ace [sl.] [get an A]die Note 1 bekommen
to ace sth. [Am.] [coll.]bei etw.Dat. brillieren [geh.]
educ. to ace sth. [esp. Am.] [coll.] [get an A in / on sth.]eine Eins in etw.Dat. bekommen [in einem Fach]
to ace sth. [sl.]etw.Akk. mit links schaffen [Redewendung]
games sports ace [in card games, in tennis and golf; also coll.: expert]
Ass {n} [im Kartenspiel; im Tennis und Golf; auch ugs.: Könner]
sports ace [unreturned serve in tennis]
Ass {n}
Bombe {f} [veraltend für: Könner]
games sports ace [cards, tennis]
As {n} [alt]
games ace [card game]
Daus {n} [Ass im deutschen Kartenspiel]
naut. ace [chain hook]
Kettenhaken {m}
sports aceAce {n} [an unreturnable serve in tennis]
aceEins {f} auf dem Würfel
games ace [Schafkopf / sheephead card game]Sau {f} [ugs.] [bayer.] [Ass beim Schafkopf]
2 Words: Verbs
to ace sb./sth. out [Am.] [outdo]jdn./etw. ausstechen [übertreffen]
to be ace [coll.]abgefahren sein [ugs.] [veraltend]
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. mil. ace (pilot)Fliegerass {n}
cloth. hist. ACE comb® [Am.] [back pocket comb]Hintertaschenkamm {m}
ace drivererstklassiger Fahrer {m}
ace photographerStarfotograf {m}
ace reporterStarreporter {m}
chem. ace resin(Ace) Kunstharz {n}
sports ace striker [football]absoluter Top-Stürmer {m}
sports ace-striker [female] [football]absolute Top-Stürmerin {f}
games called ace [Schafkopf / sheepshead]Ruf-Ass {n} [auch: Rufass] [gerufenes Ass]
hist. mil. fighter ace [coll.]Jagdfliegerass {n} [auch: Jagdflieger-Ass]
mil. flying aceFliegerass {n}
sports skiing aceSkiass {n}
sports skiing aceSki-Ass {n}
sports sporting aceSportkanone {f} [ugs.]
sports sporting aceSportskanone {f} [ugs.]
hist. mil. submarine aceU-Boot-Ass {n}
hist. mil. tank acePanzerass {n} [auch: Panzer-Ass]
sports tennis ace [person]Tennis-Ass {n}
3 Words: Verbs
games to play an ace [also fig.]ein Ass ausspielen [auch fig.]
sports to serve an ace [tennis]ein Ass servieren [Tennis]
sports to serve an ace [tennis]mit einem Ass aufschlagen [Tennis]
3 Words: Nouns
games ace of bells [ace of diamonds]Schell-Ass {f} [auch: Schellass, Schellenass]
games ace of bells [here: esp. in sheepshead]Bumbel {f} [auch: Bumbl, Bumpel, Pumpel] [Kartenspielerjargon für: Schell-Ass]
games ace of clubsEichelass {n} [Spielkarte, bes. deutsches Blatt]
games ace of clubsKreuzass {n}
games ace of clubsTreffass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of clubsEichel-Ass {n} [Spielkarte, bes. deutsches Blatt]
games ace of clubsKreuz-Ass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of clubsTreff-Ass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of diamondsKaroass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of diamondsSchellenass {n} [Kartenspielfarbe deutsches Blatt]
games ace of diamondsKaro-Ass {n} [Kartenspiel]
ace of heartsHerzas {n} [alt]
games ace of heartsHerzass {n}
games ace of heartsHerz-Ass {n}
games ace of spadesPikass {n} [Spielkarte]
games ace of spadesPik-Ass {n} [Kartenspiel]
biol. pharm. angiotensin-converting enzyme <ACE>Angiotensin-konvertierendes Enzym {n} <ACE>
med. pharm. angiotensin-converting enzyme <ACE>Angiotensin-umwandelndes Enzym {n} <AUE>
aviat. mil. dive bomber aceStuka-Ass {n}
4 Words: Nouns
med. pharm. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor <ACE inhibitor>Angiotensinkonversionsenzymhemmer {m} <ACE-Hemmer> [auch: Angiotensinkonversionsenzym-Hemmer, Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer]
med. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor <ACE inhibitor>Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer {m} <ACE-Hemmer>
pharm. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors <ACE inhibitors>Angiotensin-Konversionsenzym-Hemmer {pl} <ACE-Hemmer>
5+ Words: Others
I was within an ace of falling. [coll.] [obs.]Beinahe wäre ich gefallen.
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom to have an ace in the hole [fig.](noch) ein Ass im Ärmel haben [fig.]
idiom to have an ace up one's sleeve [fig.]noch einen Trumpf im Ärmel haben [fig.]
to have an ace up one's sleeve [idiom](noch) ein Ass im Ärmel haben [fig.] [Redewendung]
to have an ace up one's sleeve [idiom]noch einen Trumpf in der Hand haben [Redewendung]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Ace Ventura: Pet Detective [Tom Shadyac]Ace VenturaEin tierischer Detektiv
film F Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls [Steve Oedekerk]Ace VenturaJetzt wird's wild
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Q 2020-09-28: life's Ace People
Q 2020-04-25: dive bomber ace = Stuka-Ass ???
Q 2018-04-04: NATO-Verantwortungsbereich Europa Allied Command Europe [NATO]
A 2017-06-22: Tricky business manager pulling an ace out of his sleeve
A 2016-03-02: This has an AE flavour http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/ace
A 2016-03-02: http://www.dict.cc/?s=ace - the verbs with the +educ.+ tag.
A 2015-07-27: coming within an ace of resembling real life
Q 2013-08-17: to turn a three of clubs into an ace
Q 2011-12-08: fellow Ace
A 2009-05-30: Fyi, the "A" is always called "ace" (unless its value is the issue, e.g. i...
Q 2007-09-29: ace is only low.
A 2007-09-26: financial ace
A 2007-03-23: ace-pilot
A 2007-03-23: sieht so aus: http://www.google.at/search?hl=de&q=%22my+friend+ace%22&btnG...
Q 2007-03-23: ace
Q 2006-12-18: Ace of Spades => German. Thank you in advance.
A 2006-09-27: so that's Skat, then (with an ace or two in the sleeve) ?
A 2005-09-30: Danke Schneeflocke, ja ich glaube du hast Recht. Ace = Trump / secret weapon
A 2005-09-30: to ace AN exam, sorry. Last Wies'n Wochenende, I'll be back on form next ...
A 2005-09-30: No, ace as a verb in this sense means to do extremely well. To ace and exa...

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