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English-German translation for: acetonaemic vomiting
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Dictionary English German: acetonaemic vomiting

Translation 1 - 49 of 49

NOUN   acetonaemic vomiting | -
med. acetonaemic vomiting [Br.]acetonämisches Erbrechen {n}
Partial Matches
med. acetonaemic {adj} [Br.]acetonämisch
med. acetonaemic {adj} [Br.]azetonämisch
vomiting {adj} {pres-p}erbrechend
med. vomitingErbrechen {n}
med. vomitingVomitus {m} [Erbrechen]
med. acute vomitingakutes Erbrechen {n}
med. bile vomitingGallenerbrechen {n} [auch: Galleerbrechen]
med. biliary vomitingGallebrechen {n}
med. biliary vomitingGallenbrechen {n}
med. blood vomitingBluterbrechen {n}
med. induced vomitinginduziertes Erbrechen {n}
med. nocturnal vomitingnächtliches Erbrechen {n}
med. projectile vomitingexplosionsartiges Erbrechen {n}
med. projectile vomitingplötzliches Erbrechen {n} in hohem Bogen
med. projectile vomitingschwallartiges Erbrechen {n}
med. stercoraceous vomitingStuhlerbrechen {n}
MedTech. vomiting basinBrechschale {f}
vomiting basinSpeibecken {n} [Sanitärinstallation]
med. vomiting reflexBrechreflex {m}
med. vomiting reflexWürgreflex {m}
med. acetonemic vomiting [Am.]acetonämisches Erbrechen {n}
med. faecal vomiting [Br.]fäkales Erbrechen {n}
med. faecal vomiting [Br.]Kopremesis {f}
med. faecal vomiting [Br.]Koterbrechen {n}
med. faeculent vomiting [Br.]Koterbrechen {n}
med. fecal vomiting [Am.]Koterbrechen {n}
med. fecal vomiting [Am.]Stuhlerbrechen {n}
med. feculent vomiting [Am.]Koterbrechen {n}
anat. vomiting center [Am.]Brechzentrum {n}
anat. vomiting centre [Br.]Brechzentrum {n}
med. for inducing vomiting {adv}als Brechmittel
to feel like vomitingsich zum Kotzen fühlen [ugs.]
early morning vomitingFrühmorgenerbrechen {n}
med. morning vomiting [Vomitus matutinus]morgendliches Erbrechen {n}
vomiting basin [sanitary ware]Expektorierbecken {n} [Speibecken] [Sanitäranlage]
med. cyclic vomiting syndrome <CVS>Syndrom {n} des zyklischen Erbrechens
med. diarrhea with vomiting [Am.]Brechdurchfall {m}
med. diarrhoea with vomiting [Br.]Brechdurchfall {m}
med. vomiting and diarrhoea [Br.]Brechdurchfall {m}
mycol. T
med. vomiting of pregnancy [Hyperemesis gravidarum](unstillbares) Erbrechen {n} in der Schwangerschaft [vor allem im ersten und zweiten Schwangerschaftsdrittel]
winter vomiting bug [coll.] [Br.]Norovirus {n}
VetMed. vomiting and wasting disease <VWD>VW-Krankheit {f} [Vomiting und Wasting]
to have the vomiting bug [Br.] [coll.]die Kotzerei haben [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
weapons vomiting gas [police and military crowd control]Rachenreizstoff {m}
med. pharm. nausea and vomiting <N/V, NV> [nomenclature]Übelkeit und Erbrechen <ÜE> [Nomenklatur]
VetMed. vomiting and wasting disease <VWD> [young pigs]Erbrechen {n} und Kümmern der Saugferkel / Ferkel
EU If swallowed do not induce vomiting: seek medical advice immediately and show this container or label. [safety phrase S62]Bei Verschlucken kein Erbrechen herbeiführen. Sofort ärztlichen Rat einholen und Verpackung oder Etikett vorzeigen. [Sicherheitssatz S62]
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