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English-German translation for: ache
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Dictionary English German: ache

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NOUN   an ache | aches
VERB  to ache | ached | ached ... 
SYNO   ache | aching | to ache | to hurt ... 
NOUN   die Ache | die Achen
to ache
to ache
to acheweh tun
Schmerz {m}
ache {sg}
Schmerzen {pl}
ache [emotion]
Weh {n} [geh.] [seelischer Schmerz]
med. ache
Dolor {m}
Ache {f} [südd.]
ea [Br.] [dial.] [same root!]Ache {f} [selbe Wurzel!]
2 Words: Verbs
to ache for sb.mit jdm. mitfühlen [jds. Schmerz teilen, mit jdm. Mitleid haben]
to ache for sb./sth.sich nach jdm./etw. sehnen
to ache slightlynur wenig schmerzen
2 Words: Nouns
biochem. acetylcholine esterase <AChE>Acetylcholinesterase {f} <AChE>
biochem. acetylcholine esterase <AChE>Acetylcholin-Esterase {f} <AChE>
med. pharm. psych. acetylcholinesterase inhibition <AChE inhibition>Acetylcholinesterase-Hemmung {f} <AChE-Hemmung>
biochem. pharm. acetylcholinesterase inhibitor <AChEI>AChE-Inhibitor {m}
ethn. Aché (people)Aché {pl} [Ethnie]
med. back ache {sg}Rückenschmerzen {pl}
med. back-ache {sg}Rückenschmerzen {pl}
med. belly acheLeibschmerz {m}
belly ache [coll.]Bauchschmerz {m}
belly ache [coll.]Leibschneiden {n} [regional]
belly ache [coll.]Leibweh {n} [ugs.]
med. belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchkneifen {n} [ugs.]
belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchkneipen {n} [ugs.]
med. belly ache [coll.] [stomach ache]Bauchzwicken {n} [ugs.]
med. dull achedumpfer Schmerz {m}
med. face acheGesichtsschmerz {m}
face-ache [Br.] [coll.] [pej.]Gesichtselfmeter {m} [ugs.] [pej.]
foot acheFußschmerz {m}
gut ache [coll.] [also fig.]Bauchweh {n} [auch fig.]
gut ache {sg} [coll.]Bauchschmerzen {pl}
leg acheBeinschmerz {m}
med. muscle acheMuskelkater {m}
muscle ache {sg}Spatzen {pl} [österr.] [ugs.]
med. stomach acheDarmschmerz {m} [Leibschmerz]
stomach acheLeibschneiden {n} [regional]
med. stomach acheLeibweh {n} [ugs.]
med. stomach ache {sg}Leibschmerzen {pl}
med. stomach-ache {sg}Leibschmerzen {pl}
med. stomach-ache {sg}Magenschmerzen {pl}
tummy ache [coll.]Bauchweh {n} [ugs.]
tummy ache [coll.]Leibschneiden {n} [regional]
tummy ache [coll.]Leibweh {n} [ugs.]
med. tummy ache {sg} [coll.]Leibschmerzen {pl}
3 Words: Verbs
to ache a littleein wenig schmerzen
to ache all overüberall schmerzen
to ache to do sth.sich danach sehnen, etw. zu tun
3 Words: Nouns
med. psych. a general acheein unbestimmter Schmerz {m}
right foot ache {sg}Schmerzen {pl} im rechten Fuß
5+ Words: Verbs
to ache at the least pressurebeim geringsten Druck schmerzen
5+ Words: Nouns
med. ache {sg} in the left footSchmerzen {pl} im linken Fuß
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Q 2016-08-26: possible: your soul on mine numbs your ache
Q 2015-01-10: Find No Ache Method Of Managing Aging Skin
Q 2013-03-14: Please see #698738 Head(ache)lines
A 2011-10-02: I ache, therefore I am.
A 2010-09-19: I took it for the essential feature of pain to *ache*...
A 2009-03-12: she did not know existed or could ever ache that much
A 2009-02-16: oder: tummy ache
A 2008-10-06: What's wrong with belly-ache, Joanne?
A 2008-10-06: "Who eats plums and drinks a lot of water gets a belly-ache."
A 2008-08-02: twinge / ache !? (da zahnarzt.... )
A 2008-07-24: Christ, your fingers must ache ;o)
Q 2007-02-08: dull ache
A 2007-02-04: Tommy ache
A 2006-05-09: Ache un liber
A 2005-10-01: ache
Q 2005-04-20: ache

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