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English-German translation for: achieve
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Dictionary English German: achieve

Translation 1 - 50 of 96  >>

English German
VERB  to achieve | achieved | achieved ... 
SYNO   to accomplish | to achieve ... 
to achieve [goal, aim]
erreichen [durchsetzen]
to achieve sth. [an agreement, a result, success, etc.]
etw. erzielen [eine Einigung, ein Resultat, einen Erfolg etc.]
to achieve
to achieve sth.
etw. gewinnen [erlangen]
to achieve sth.
etw. bewirken
to achieve
verwirklichen [Ziele]
to achieve
erhalten [erreichen]
to achieve sth.
etw.Akk. verrichten [vollbringen, zustande bringen]
to achieve sth.
etw. vollbringen [geh.]
to achieve sth.
etw. ausführen [verwirklichen, durchführen]
to achieve sth.
etw. vermögen [geh.] [erreichen]
to achieve
to achieve
to achieve
to achieve sth.
etw.Akk. ausrichten [erreichen, zu Wege bringen]
to achieve
realisieren [erreichen]
to achieve
zustandebringen [alt]
to achieve
to achieve sth.
etw.Akk. reißen [ugs.] [Erfolg haben, gewinnen]
to achievefertig bringen
to achieve sth.etw.Akk. zustande bringen
to achieve sth.etw.Akk. zuwege bringen
to achieve sth.etw.Akk. zu Stande bringen
to achieve sth.etw.Akk. zu Wege bringen
to achieve sth.sich zu etw. emporschwingen [fig.] [etw. erreichen]
to achieve sth.etw. auf die Beine stellen [Redewendung]
to achieve sth. [a particular result]auf etw. kommen [Resultat]
2 Words: Verbs
to achieve ... successes... Erfolge verzeichnen
to achieve affluencezu Wohlstand kommen
to achieve agreementEinigung erzielen
to achieve distinctionWürde erreichen
to achieve fameberühmt werden
to achieve fameRuhm erwerben
relig. to achieve forgivenessVergebung erlangen
to achieve progressFortschritte machen
to achieve salesUmsatz machen [ugs.] [Jargon]
pol. to achieve statehood [Am.]ein eigener Staat werden
to achieve statehood [Am.]ein selbstständiger Staat werden
to achieve successErfolg haben
to achieve successerfolgreich sein
to achieve supportUnterstützung finden / erhalten
to achieve victoryden Sieg erringen
3 Words: Others
sb. manages to achieve sth.jdm. gelingt es, etw. zu erreichen / zu verwirklichen
3 Words: Verbs
to achieve a ... successeinen ... Erfolg verzeichnen
to achieve a balancebalancieren
idiom to achieve a balancedie Balance halten
to achieve a breakthrough [fig.]einen Durchbruch erzielen [fig.]
to achieve a consensuseinen Konsens finden
to achieve a goalein Ziel erreichen
to achieve a resultein Resultat erzielen
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Q 2019-11-02: Unterschied von reach und achieve
A 2017-02-21: Other suggestions: to achieve outstanding results / success
A 2016-10-30: to shoot for - to try to achieve
Q 2016-05-27: Studying in Chemistry and Biochemistry was and is one of my ambitions to a...
A 2014-10-23: +You are a mere untitled noble, so you will not achieve much in life.+ As ...
A 2014-06-12: Let's work together to achieve our goal of working together?
A 2014-05-15: Sorting it out: If the focus point, or multiple focus points that achieve ...
A 2014-01-19: May all your wishes come true and may you achieve all your goals.
A 2014-01-13: to secure, to win, to gain, to achieve, ...
A 2013-11-18: No. America doesn't achieve your dreams, you do.
A 2013-07-19: "The first thing to do is to achieve international trade, in order to supp...
Q 2013-07-17: to enable or to achieve
Q 2013-07-08: achieve ... with success
A 2013-07-01: a chain of victories that lead to utter exhaustion and to an inability to ...
A 2012-10-26: quota + achieve:
A 2012-07-13: A positive mind set in respect of English ... as an objective in order to ...
A 2011-08-16: I would trust Buffett to achieve more with his money than the lawmakers would.
Q 2011-06-01: to achieve fairness, to form a self-perpetuating circuit
A 2011-05-05: . . .in order to achieve mutually successful marketing measures for a grou...
A 2011-02-05: he may still achieve/get a sensational result ?

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