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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: acid secretion
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: acid secretion

Translation 1 - 50 of 1211  >>

biol. acid secretionSäuresekretion {f}
Keywords contained
biochem. gastric acid secretionMagensäuresekretion {f}
biochem. med. secretion of gastric acidMagensäuresekretion {f}
Partial Matches
secretionAbsonderung {f}
biol. secretionAussonderung {f} [Absonderung]
secretionBeiseiteschaffen {n}
biol. med. secretionSezernierung {f}
biol. med. secretion [process]Sekretion {f}
biol. med. VetMed. secretion [substance]Sekret {n}
ecol. algal secretionAlgenabscheidung {f}
med. bronchial secretionBronchialsekret {n}
med. catecholamine secretionKatecholaminausschüttung {f}
med. catecholamine secretionKatecholaminsekretion {f}
med. cutaneous secretionHautabsonderung {f}
zool. defensive secretionAbwehrsekret {n}
biol. defensive secretionVerteidigungssekret {n}
bot. zool. defensive secretionWehrsekret {n}
biol. digestive secretionVerdauungssekretion {f}
biol. endogenous secretionendogene Sekretion {f}
biochem. enzyme secretionEnzymsekretion {f}
med. fasting secretionNüchternsekretion {f}
med. gastric secretionMagensekret {n}
biol. gastric secretionMagensekretion {f}
anat. glandular secretionDrüsenabsonderung {f}
biol. med. glandular secretionDrüsensekret {n}
spec. insulin secretionInsulinsekretion {f}
biol. intestinal secretionDarmsekret {n}
med. mamma secretionMammasekret {n}
med. mammary secretionMammasekretion {f}
anat. milk secretionMilchsekret {n}
biol. milk secretionMilchsekretion {f}
mucous secretionSchleimabsonderung {f}
biol. nasal secretionNasensekret {n}
bot. nectar secretionNektarabsonderung {f}
preputial secretionPräputialsekret {n}
biochem. protein secretionProteinsekretion {f}
biochem. med. proton secretionProtonensekretion {f}
biol. gastr. salt secretionSalzausscheidung {f}
med. secretion bottleSekretflasche {f}
med. secretion jarSekretbehälter {m}
biol. secretion periodSekretionsperiode {f}
biol. secretion processSekretionsprozess {m}
biochem. secretion sequenceSekretionssequenz {f}
med. MedTech. secretion suctionSekretabsaugung {f}
biol. secretion systemSekretionssystem {n}
med. skin secretionHautabsonderung {f}
bot. stigmatic secretionNarbensekret {n}
med. sweat secretionSchweißabsonderung {f}
med. tracheal secretionTrachealsekret {n}
tree secretionBaumabsonderung {f}
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