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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: acknowledged
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Dictionary English German: acknowledged

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
ADJ   acknowledged | more acknowledged | most acknowledged
VERB  to acknowledge | acknowledged | acknowledged ... 
acknowledged {adj} {past-p}
acknowledged {adj} {past-p}
sb./sth. acknowledged
jd./etw. bestätigte
acknowledged {adj} {past-p}
acknowledged {adj} {past-p}
acknowledged {adj} {past-p}
acknowledged {adj} [favourite etc.]
erklärt [Favorit, Idol etc.]
sb. acknowledgedjd. erkannte an
2 Words
generally acknowledged {adj}allseits anerkannt
econ. acknowledged claimanerkannte Forderung {f}
acknowledged dependenceanerkannte Abhängigkeit {f}
acknowledged expertanerkannter Fachmann {m}
3 Words
acknowledged with awards {adj} [postpos.]mit Preisen geehrt
sb. has / had acknowledgedjd. hat / hatte anerkannt
acknowledged hard timesanerkannt harte Zeiten {pl}
authority generally acknowledgedallgemein anerkannte Macht {f}
widely acknowledged principleweitgehend anerkanntes Prinzip {n}
4 Words
acknowledged rule of technologyanerkannte Regel {f} der Technik
5+ Words
quote It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. [Jane Austen]Es ist eine allgemein anerkannte Wahrheit, dass ein Junggeselle im Besitz eines schönen Vermögens nichts dringender braucht als eine Frau.
it is generally acknowledged that sb. is ...jd. ist anerkanntermaßen ...
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Q 2019-11-15: he wishes it to be acknowledged
A 2016-12-11: And I personally doubt that TL or his publisher would have welcomed or ack...
A 2016-11-28: Perhaps he was the inspector when he acknowledged the existence of the permit,
A 2015-12-03: Preferably though: ... to be acknowledged to be right rather than to be right
Q 2015-11-03: Was bedeutet: shade off of me once I demand to be acknowledged?
A 2011-10-11: Mein Versuch: "tested and acknowledged by a veteran"
A 2009-11-19: nicht "admitted", sondern "acknowledged"
A 2009-10-06: For translations to be acknowledged/seen/regarded/tagged as 'professional'...
A 2009-01-28: The child was acknowledged by the father XXX at the local registrar's office.
A 2008-12-01: acknowledged ??
A 2008-11-13: Achim Rennel, acknowledged Meier expert from the ... Martin Schöffler, he...
A 2008-09-11: Surprise: It seems to an acknowledged synonym
A 2008-07-23: internationally acknowledged diploma and CAE exams
Q 2007-07-19: consideration herein acknowledged
A 2006-10-15: unacknowledged methods of treatment \ costs of treatments that are om gene...
A 2006-10-09: Once goal has fallen over, this will be an acknowl edged hit/ this will be...
A 2006-10-09: Only if the goal has fallen over, this will be an acknowledged hit.
A 2006-10-02: acknowledged ist schon richtig, denke ich
A 2006-01-22: noted and acknowledged
A 2005-11-30: It is generally appreciated / acknowledged

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acknowledged hard times
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