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English-German translation for: acquainted
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Dictionary English German: acquainted

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
ADJ   acquainted | more acquainted | most acquainted
VERB  to acquaint | acquainted | acquainted ... 
acquainted {adj}
bekannt [mit jdm., mit den Fakten etc.]
acquainted {adj} {past-p}
acquainted {adj}miteinander bekannt
sb. acquainted [informed]jd. teilte mit
2 Words: Others
acquainted withbekannt mit
intimately acquainted {adj}gut bekannt
well acquainted {adj}wohlvertraut
well acquaintedwohl vertraut
when sb. acquainted [informed]als jd. mitteilte
2 Words: Verbs
to become acquaintedbekanntwerden [kennen lernen]
to become acquaintedbekannt werden
2 Words: Nouns
getting acquaintedKennenlernen {n}
3 Words: Verbs
to be acquainted with sb.mit jdm. bekannt sein
to be acquainted with sth.etw. kennen
to be acquainted with sth.von etw. wissen
to be acquainted with sth.mit etw.Dat. bekannt sein
to be acquainted with sth.mit etw.Dat. vertraut sein
to become acquainted with sb.jdn. kennenlernen
to become acquainted with sb.jdn. kennen lernen [Rsv.]
to become acquainted with sb.eine Bekanntschaft mit jdm. schließen
to become acquainted with sth.etw. kennenlernen
to become acquainted with sth.etw. kennen lernen [Rsv.]
to become acquainted with sth.mit etw.Dat. vertraut werden
to become acquainted with sth.sichAkk. in etw.Akk. einarbeiten
to become acquainted with sth. [actively, by reading about it etc.]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. vertraut machen
to get acquainted with sb.jdn. kennenlernen [mit jdm. Bekanntschaft schließen]
to get acquainted with sth.mit etw.Dat. bekannt werden
4 Words: Others
acquainted with the culture {adj} [postpos.]mit der Kultur vertraut
acquainted with the factvertraut mit der Tatsache
acquainted with the facts {adj} [postpos.]mit den Tatsachen vertraut
acquainted with the locality {adj} [postpos.]mit der Örtlichkeit vertraut
acquainted with the subject {adj} [postpos.]mit dem Gegenstand vertraut
4 Words: Verbs
to be acquainted or connectedin einer Beziehung stehen
to be well acquainted with sb.mit jdm. vertraut sein
to get (oneself) acquainted with sth.sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. vertraut machen
5+ Words: Others
He is perfectly acquainted with ...Er ist völlig vertraut mit ...
5+ Words: Verbs
to be acquainted with a cultureeine Kultur kennen
to be acquainted with a factmit einem Umstand vertraut sein
to be acquainted with the environmentdie Umgebung kennen
to be acquainted with the factsmit den Tatsachen vertraut sein
to be acquainted with the localitymit der Örtlichkeit vertraut sein
to become acquainted with a facteinen Umstand kennenlernen
to become acquainted with a facteinen Umstand kennen lernen [Rsv.]
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A 2015-05-03: BTW, +meeting somebody+ does not necessarily imply that you +become acquai...
A 2013-02-01: to be closely acquainted with ?
A 2012-03-08: How about "not acquainted"
A 2011-08-13: http://books.google.at/books?id=wuLrTJ0wtlMC&pg=PA184&dq=I+was+personally+...
A 2011-04-19: Did you +come to know/get acquainted with/befriend/make friends with+ anyb...
A 2010-01-03: Copy-and-paste error: +acquainted+
A 2009-01-29: I would enjoy/love an invitation to get acquainted.
A 2007-09-24: get-acquainted meeting http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deA...
A 2007-07-16: Let's get acquainted My name is Tomas!
A 2007-06-24: Let's get acquainted My name is Tomas!
A 2006-02-27: A fact is known by the public if the interested public has been acquainted...

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