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Dictionary English German: activated

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
VERB  to activate | activated | activated ... 
SYNO   activated | excited
comp. activated {adj} {past-p} [account]
activated {adj} {past-p}
activated {adj} {past-p}
activated {adj} {past-p}in Betrieb gesetzt
sb./sth. activatedjd./etw. aktivierte
2 Words: Others
automatically activated {adj}automatisch in Betrieb gesetzt
tech. calcium-activated {adj}kalziumaktiviert
tech. gas-activated {adj}gasaktiviert
biol. lymphokine-activated {adj}lymphokinaktiviert
biochem. receptor-activated {adj}rezeptoraktiviert
sensor-activated {adj}sensoraktiviert
comp. tech. speech-activated {adj}sprachgesteuert
touch-activated {adj}berührungsaktiv
voice-activated {adj}sprachaktiviert
tech. voice-activated {adj}sprachgesteuert
2 Words: Nouns
activated carbonAbsorptionskohle {f}
activated carbonAktivkohle {f}
chem. activated carbonAktivkohlenstoff {m}
pharm. activated carbon [Carbo medicinalis]medizinische Kohle {f}
activated charcoalAktivkohle {f}
pharm. activated charcoal [Carbo medicinalis]medizinische Kohle {f}
spec. activated coalAktivkohle {f} <A-Kohle>
chem. ind. activated earthBleicherde {f}
activated phaseBelebungsstufe {f}
activated sludgeAktivschlamm {m}
activated sludgeBelebtschlamm {m} [Abwasserreinigung]
constr. tech. activated sludgeBelebungsschlamm {m}
activated stateAktivierungszustand {m}
activated stateaktivierter Zustand {m}
3 Words: Nouns
activated carbon filterAktivkohlefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
hydro. activated carbon purificationAktivkohle-Behandlung {f}
chem. hydro. activated carbon treatmentA-Kohlebehandlung {f}
chem. hydro. activated carbon treatmentAktivkohle-Behandlung {f}
gastr. activated charcoal breadschwarzes Brot {n} [ugs.] [Kohlenbrot, Brot mit (medizinischer) Aktivkohle]
activated charcoal filterAktivkohlefilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
activated coke filterAktivkoksfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
biol. activated endothelial cellsaktivierte endotheliale Zellen {pl}
biochem. activated protein C <APC>aktiviertes Protein C {n} <APC>
biol. ecol. activated sludge processBelebtschlamm-Verfahren {n}
ecol. hydro. activated sludge process [sewage treatment]Belebungsverfahren {n} [Kläranlage]
hydro. activated sludge tankBelebtschlammbecken {n} [Kläranlage]
biochem. mitogen-activated protein <MAP>mitogenaktiviertes Protein {n} <MAP>
return activated sludge <RAS>Rücklaufschlamm {m} <RS>
comp. tech. touch-activated screenSensorbildschirm {m}
comp. tech. touch-activated screenTastbildschirm {m}
comp. tech. touch-activated screenberührungsempfindlicher Bildschirm {m}
4 Words: Nouns
med. activated partial thromboplastin time <aPTT, APTT>aktivierte partielle Thromboplastinzeit {f} <aPTT>
explosive-activated metal plugSprengschweiß-Verschlussstopfen {m}
biochem. mitogen-activated protein kinase <MAP kinase>mitogenaktivierte Proteinkinase {f} <MAP-Kinase>
med. pharm. peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor <PPAR>Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktivierter Rezeptor {m} <PPAR>
med. pharm. peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors <PPARs>Peroxisom-Proliferator-aktivierte Rezeptoren {pl} <PPAR>
biochem. voltage-activated sodium channelspannungsgesteuerter Natriumkanal {m}
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A 2015-04-17: Nodes in standby mode are activated by a special wake-up message
A 2015-02-04: If this (check)box is ticked, the alarm/buzzer is (turned) off / not activated.
A 2012-01-27: Typo (10:25) ... have +cookies+ activated
A 2010-09-14: C's LINX activated
A 2010-05-13: activated charcoal > but isn't it the way it is always referred to ???
A 2010-05-13: prompt administration / activated charcoal
A 2008-09-24: One or the other of the two monitors is activated
A 2008-08-13: ? activated
Q 2007-11-15: Ratchet-style rim-activated control
A 2007-09-06: Function could not be activated
A 2007-09-06: activated carbon filter
Q 2007-07-06: activated?
A 2007-07-05: nochmal activated
Q 2007-07-05: activated?
A 2006-07-25: or activated
A 2006-05-23: If, however, the break function is activated, the readout can be interrupted.
A 2005-11-20: activated
A 2005-09-16: can be activated

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