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English-German translation for: adam
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Dictionary English German: adam

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NOUN1   Adam [biblical figure] | -
NOUN2   an Adam [person by the name of Adam] | Adams
SYNO   Adam | Robert Adam | X | XTC ... 
NOUN   der Adam | die Adams
bibl. name AdamAdam {m}
2 Words: Nouns
math. Adam Riese [also: Adam Ries] [1492-1559] [German mathematician]Adam Riese {m} [Adam Ries; seltener auch: Ris, Rise, Ryse und Reyeß]
archi. hist. Adam styleAdamstil {m}
idiom Adam's ale [dated] [hum.] [water]Gänsewein {m} [ugs.] [hum.]
anat. Adam's apple [Prominentia laryngea]Adamsapfel {m}
anat. Adam's apples [prominentiae laryngeae]Adamsäpfel {pl}
geogr. Adam's Bridge [chain of limestone shoals between India and Sri Lanka]Adamsbrücke {f} [Kette von Sandbänken, Korallenriffen und Inseln zwischen Indien und Sri Lanka]
Adam's wine [Br.] [dialect]Gänsewein {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Wasser als Getränk]
geogr. Mount AdamMount Adam {m}
relig. Second Adamder zweite Adam {m} [Christus]
3 Words: Others
idiom according to Cocker {adv}nach Adam Riese
3 Words: Nouns
bibl. relig. children of Adam [human beings]Adamskinder {pl} [Menschen]
hist. relig. theatre Play of Adam [Jeu d'Adam]Adamsspiel {n}
the old Adamder alte Adam {m}
biol. Y-chromosomal AdamAdam {m} des Y-Chromosoms
4 Words: Verbs
to Adam 'n' Eve it [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: to believe it][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: es glauben]
to not know sb. from Adam [idiom]keine Ahnung haben, wer jd. ist
idiom relig. to renounce the old Adam [rare]den alten Adam ausziehen / ablegen [geh.]
5+ Words: Others
God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!Gott schuf Adam und Eva und nicht Adam und Peter!
My arithmetic makes it 4.50 euros. [coll.]Das macht nach Adam Riese / Ries 4,50 Euro. [ugs., hum.]
The way I learned it at school that makes EUR 3.50.Das macht nach Adam Riese EUR 3,50. [ugs.] [hum.]
lit. proverb quote When Adam delved and Eve span, who was then the gentleman? [John Ball]Als Adam grub und Eva spann, wer war da der Edelmann? [auch: Als Adam pflug ... wo war denn ...]
5+ Words: Verbs
idiom relig. to cast off the old Adamden alten Adam ausziehen / ablegen [geh.]
5+ Words: Nouns
med. androgen decline in the aging / ageing male <ADAM>Androgenrückgang {m} beim alternden Mann <ADAM>
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F About Adam [Gerard Stembridge]Alles über Adam
art F Adam and EveAdam und Eva [Gustav Klimt]
lit. F Adam and Eve and Pinch Me [Ruth Rendell]Der Liebesbetrug
lit. F Adam and EvelynAdam und Evelyn [Ingo Schulze]
film F Adam's Apples [Anders Thomas Jensen]Adams Äpfel
film F Adam's Rib [George Cukor]Ehekrieg
hist. lit. F Before Adam [Jack London]Vor Adams Zeiten
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
orn. T
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A 2017-04-13: Adam Riese würde sich im Grab umdrehen
A 2015-01-16: In einem Text von Adam Smith stimmt wohl +Manufakturarbeiter+
Q 2014-03-18: I Adam Lawrence
A 2013-08-19: Adam und Eva in der Küche
Q 2011-10-13: adam smith - of the divison of labour
A 2009-12-03: (naughty) Adam Green: Emily
A 2009-10-26: Im Zuge der Possessivpronomen pflegte einer meiner Dozenten immer den Adam...
A 2009-07-26: normalerweise sagt man -- don't know him from adam oder from a bar of soap
A 2009-05-07: Adam's Fall spoilt it all!
A 2009-04-12: Nour, schau nochmal bei Deiner Frage zu Adam & Eve !
A 2008-10-26: Typo, I'm sure. Should be 'Adam's gift.'
A 2008-10-26: Adam's gift: immortality, integrity, knowledge.
A 2008-10-26: Adam war nicht dazu geschaffen, dass
A 2007-12-11: *shit* in the sense of +cat's whiskers+ "She think she the shit / shizzy n...
A 2006-08-31: 'arree po''er? Cor blimey! Would yer Adam and Eve it?
A 2006-05-06: Adam
A 2005-12-12: Adam's costume - naked as God created us
A 2004-09-14: off-topic: palindrome "Madam, I'm Adam" - "Able was I ere I saw Elba" (Na...

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