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English-German translation for: adapt
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Dictionary English German: adapt

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
VERB  to adapt | adapted | adapted ... 
SYNO   to accommodate | to adapt | to adapt ... 
to adapt
lit. to adapt sth. [e.g. a novel for the stage or screen]
etw.Akk. bearbeiten [z. B. einen Roman für die Bühne oder den Film]
to adapt sth.
etw. einrichten [anpassen, adaptieren]
to adapt
to adapt
to adapt
to adapt sth.
etw. umschreiben [adaptieren, z. B. für Film, Theater etc.]
to adapt
to adapt
nachempfinden [nachgestalten]
to adapt
rezipieren [übernehmen]
to adapt
to adapt
to adapt
philat. spec. to adapt sth. [philately]etw. aptieren [Philatelie, sonst veraltet]
2 Words: Verbs
to adapt commerciallysich wirtschaftlich anpassen
to adapt competencesKompetenzen weiterentwickeln
to adapt oneselfsichAkk. anpassen
to adapt psychologicallysich psychologisch anpassen
to adapt sth. to sth.etw.Akk. an etw.Akk. anähneln [anpassen, angleichen]
to adapt sth. to sth.etw. an etw.Akk. anpassen
to adapt to sth.auf etw. anwenden
to adapt to sth.sichAkk. an etw.Akk. gewöhnen
2 Words: Nouns
adapt subsidyAnpassungsbeihilfe {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to adapt (oneself) to sth.sichAkk. etw.Dat. anbequemen [geh.] [veraltend] [sich anpassen]
to adapt a bookein Buch bearbeiten
to adapt a poemein Gedicht bearbeiten
to adapt oneself to sb./sth.sichAkk. jdm./etw. anpassen
to adapt oneself to sth.sichAkk. an etw.Akk. anpassen
to adapt oneself to sth.sich auf etw. einstellen
to adapt the housedas Haus einrichten
to adapt the principledas Prinzip anpassen
3 Words: Nouns
ability to adaptAdaptionsfähigkeit {f}
ability to adaptAnpassungsfähigkeit {f}
psych. sociol. pressure to adaptAnpassungsdruck {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to adapt oneself to circumstancessich den Umständen anpassen
lit. RadioTV to adapt sth. for the screenetw. fürs Fernsehen bearbeiten
lit. theatre to adapt sth. for the stageetw.Akk. für die Bühne bearbeiten
theatre to adapt sth. for the theatre [Br.]etw. fürs Theater bearbeiten
to adapt to new conditionsan neue Bedingungen anpassen
to adapt to the realitysich an die Realität anpassen
to develop and adapt skillsFähigkeiten entwickeln und anpassen
5+ Words: Verbs
to adapt a building to new usesein Gebäude an neue Verwendungen anpassen
RadioTV to adapt a novel for televisioneinen Roman für das Fernsehen bearbeiten
lit. theatre to adapt a novel for the stageeinen Roman für die Bühne bearbeiten
RadioTV to adapt a play for televisionein Stück fürs Fernsehen bearbeiten
to adapt oneself to new conditionssich an neue Bedingungen anpassen
to adapt oneself to new conditionssich an neue Umstände anpassen
to adapt oneself to the companysich den anderen anpassen
to adapt some of the equipmenteinige der Geräte anpassen
to adapt the means to the enddie Mittel dem Zweck anpassen
to adapt to a smaller scalean einen kleineren Maßstab anpassen
to start to adapt to one's new surroundingssich langsam an seine neue Umgebung gewöhnen
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A 2021-12-24: Re-phrasing possibilities which you need to adapt
A 2015-02-01: Being both German and Bengali, several stays abroad and a variety of work ...
A 2014-05-11: adept - adapt
A 2014-04-11: You +adapt+ the offer +to+ certain circumstances, you +adjust+ it more freely
Q 2013-12-15: to adapt Goethe (freely) | frei nach Goethe {verb}
A 2010-05-28: To adapt zou's answer a little - "school" is a widely used synonym for "un...
A 2010-03-19: My aim is always to adapt tourism to current trends while keeping in mind ...
A 2009-05-08: I'd go for "adapt to society"
A 2008-09-25: To adapt Baccalaureus's answer -
A 2008-05-30: Oder: adapt to differently composed products
A 2008-02-28: She will adapt her ways with information to what different situations require.
A 2007-11-09: (need to) adapt to / appreciate current trends (in fashion, music etc)
A 2007-11-09: to adapt to
A 2007-10-02: We shall adapt the c. r. so as to concentrate on one delivery date per quarter
A 2007-07-23: sich anpassen > adapt / adjust to; sich einfügen > fit into; eingefügt sei...
A 2006-09-18: to adapt to a situation
A 2006-09-08: Is this correct now? I used all your suggestions (adapt, adopt, etc)
A 2006-09-07: adapt or adopt?
A 2006-09-01: if you have ticked off the "adapt cal file for metal" option
A 2006-02-03: the first sounds good...umprojektieren- replan? your adapt maybe better

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