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English-German translation for: adaptation
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Dictionary English German: adaptation

Translation 1 - 50 of 119  >>


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NOUN   an adaptation | adaptations
SYNO   adaptation | version | adaption ... 
NOUN   die Adaptation | die Adaptationen
SYNO   Adaptation ... 
Anpassung {f}
Adaption {f}
film adaptation
Buchverfilmung {f}
mus. adaptation
Arrangement {n}
lit. mus. adaptation
Bearbeitung {f}
Umstellung {f}
Gewöhnung {f} [Gehör]
Umwandlung {f}
Angleichung {f}
Anwendung {f}
Adaptation {f}
adaptation [reworking]
Umarbeitung {f}
Adaptation {f}
adaptationAdaptierung {f}
adaptationAnverwandlung {f}
adaptationEinpassung {f}
adaptationTextbearbeitung {f}
audio adaptation [of hearing]Höranpassung {f}
adaptation [person, plant, animal]Angepasstheit {f} [an Klima etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
lit. (free) adaptationNachdichtung {f}
adaptation benefitAnpassungsbeihilfe {f}
adaptation cutAnpassungsschnitt {m}
med. adaptation disorderAnpassungsstörung {f}
biol. adaptation energyAnpassungsenergie {f}
adaptation factorAdaptionsfaktor {m}
tech. adaptation factorAnpassungsfaktor {m}
adaptation goggles {pl}Adaptionsbrille {f}
tech. adaptation kit [rare]Adaptersatz {m}
adaptation measureAnpassungsmaßnahme {f}
adaptation measuresAnpassungsmaßnahmen {pl}
audio biol. adaptation periodAdaptionszeit {f}
adaptation periodAnpassungszeitraum {m}
adaptation planAnpassungsplan {m}
biol. ecol. adaptation potentialAnpassungspotential {n}
biol. ecol. adaptation potentialAnpassungspotenzial {n}
psych. sociol. adaptation pressureAnpassungsdruck {m}
psych. sociol. adaptation problemAnpassungsproblem {n}
psych. sociol. adaptation processAdaptierungsprozess {m}
adaptation processAdaptionsvorgang {m}
psych. spec. adaptation processAnpassungsprozess {m}
adaptation processAnpassungsvorgang {m}
biol. med. psych. adaptation reactionAnpassungsreaktion {f}
law adaptation rightWerkbearbeitungsrecht {n}
tech. adaptation set [rare]Adaptersatz {m}
adaptation strategyAnpassungsstrategie {f}
adaptation subsidyAnpassungssubvention {f}
constr. fin. tech. adaptation surchargeUmbauzuschlag {m}
zool. arboreal adaptationAnpassung {f} an das Baumleben
art phys. background adaptation [eigengrau] [neurobiology, color theory]Eigengrau {n} [Eigenlicht] [Neurobiologie, Farbenlehre]
biol. psych. behavioral adaptation [Am.]Verhaltensadaptation {f}
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A 2015-08-06: "ohne Übergang" entspricht M-W "without a period of gradual adjustment, ad...
A 2014-11-14: administrative/bureaucratic adaptation
A 2014-11-14: assuming a statelike role, adaptation to a governmental stance
A 2014-11-11: It's an adaptation of a Dorothy Parker quote.
A 2014-07-07: adaptation
Q 2014-04-11: Adaptation or adjustment
A 2013-03-18: I don't think you mislead anyone. The film was a close adaptation of the book.
A 2012-08-04: In an adaptation of an ancient tradition ...
A 2012-04-24: It's an adaptation of a saying - never judge/criticize someone until you h...
A 2010-08-16: Adaptation of the Stability and Growth Pact to include a foreign trade bal...
A 2010-04-21: adaptation / handling of a / the process
A 2009-11-13: I don't think there's an *official* translation or adaptation.
A 2008-06-18: ja, scheint so: adaptation period http://www.google.de/search?sourceid...
A 2008-01-10: 'adaption' is very, very rare in English, the usual word being 'adaptation...
A 2007-07-13: for only through this continual adaptation to the demands of modern times ...
A 2007-07-13: for only through this continual adaptation to the demands of modern times ...
A 2006-12-11: bin, wie Jens, auch für "adaptation"
A 2005-01-12: adaptation of the reports for SAPscript (?)
A 2005-01-04: mental adaptation to situations that are extremely unsettling
A 2004-02-04: probably the boosterhorn for amplitude adaptation

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