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English-German translation for: adjacent
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Dictionary English German: adjacent

Translation 1 - 72 of 72

English German
ADJ   adjacent | - | -
SYNO   adjacent | conterminous | contiguous ... 
adjacent {adj}
adjacent {adj}
adjacent {adj}
adjacent {adj}
adjacent {adj}
adjacent {adj}
spec. adjacent {adj}
2 Words: Others
adjacent to {prep}benachbart
adjacent to sth. {adj} [postpos.]an etw.Akk. angrenzend
non-adjacent {adj}nicht angrenzend
non-adjacent {adj}nicht benachbart
tech-adjacent {adj} [coll.]technologienah
2 Words: Nouns
math. adjacent (side) [of a right-angled triangle]Ankathete {f}
adjacent angleNebenwinkel {m}
adjacent anglebenachbarter Winkel {m}
adjacent anglesbenachbarte Winkel {pl}
adjacent anglesnebeneinanderliegende Winkel {pl}
adjacent areasNachbargebiete {pl}
adjacent areasNebenflächen {pl}
adjacent buildingNachbargebäude {n}
adjacent buildingNebengebäude {n} [benachbartes Gebäude, angrenzendes Gebäude]
adjacent buildingangrenzendes Gebäude {n}
biol. adjacent cellangrenzende Zelle {f}
adjacent cellangrenzendes Feld {n}
adjacent cellnachfolgendes Feld {n}
biol. adjacent cellsangrenzende Zellen {pl}
electr. adjacent channelNachbarkanal {m}
adjacent channelbenachbarter Kanal {m}
adjacent counties [Am.]angrenzende Landkreise {pl}
adjacent edgesbenachbarte Kanten {pl}
adjacent landangrenzendes Grundstück {n}
adjacent layers(aneinander) angrenzende Schichten {pl}
anat. adjacent musclesbenachbarte Muskeln {pl}
tech. adjacent networkgleichgelagertes Netz {n}
comp. telecom. adjacent nodebenachbarter Knoten {m}
adjacent numbersnebeneinanderliegende Zahlen {pl}
adjacent numbersnebeneinander liegende Zahlen {pl} [alt]
adjacent occupierAngrenzer {m}
adjacent ownerAnlieger {m}
adjacent ownerEigentümer {m} des benachbarten Grundstücks / Grundstückes
adjacent partangrenzender Teil {m}
adjacent partsangrenzende Teile {pl}
optics adjacent pixelNachbarbildpunkt {m} [benachbarter Bildpunkt]
constr. RealEst. adjacent plotNachbargrundstück {n}
RealEst. adjacent plotbenachbartes Grundstück {n}
adjacent procedureangrenzendes Verfahren {n}
RealEst. adjacent propertyNachbargrundstück {n}
RealEst. adjacent propertyangrenzende Immobilie {f}
lit. adjacent rhymePaarreim {m}
geol. adjacent rockNebengestein {n}
adjacent roomNebenzimmer {n}
adjacent roomangrenzendes Zimmer {n}
adjacent roomsbenachbarte Räume {pl}
geogr. adjacent seaRandmeer {n}
adjacent siteNachbargrundstück {n}
adjacent stateAnrainerstaat {m}
geogr. adjacent stateNachbarstaat {m}
constr. adjacent structureNachbarbauwerk {n}
biol. adjacent tissueNachbargewebe {n}
dent. adjacent toothNachbarzahn {m}
adjacent watersangrenzende Gewässer {pl}
3 Words: Others
see adjacent formulasiehe nebenstehende Formel <snF>
3 Words: Verbs
to be adjacent to sth.an etw.Akk. angrenzen
to be adjacent to sth.an etw.Akk. grenzen
to be adjacent to sth.mit etw.Dat. benachbart sein
3 Words: Nouns
adjacent channel interferenceStörung {f} vom Nebenkanal
4 Words: Others
adjacent to one anotheraneinandergrenzend
adjacent to one anotheraneinander grenzend [alt]
in the adjacent XYZim / in der XYZ daneben
4 Words: Nouns
admin. consideration of adjacent usesBerücksichtigung {f} angrenzender Nutzungen
5+ Words: Verbs
to be adjacent (to each other)aneinander liegen
5+ Words: Nouns
area adjacent to the Soviet ZoneZonenrandgebiet {n}
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A 2024-04-12: (laufende) Forschungsvorhaben von Fachkollegen - (current) research projec...
A 2016-05-06: The property is mirrored in the adjacent pond.
Q 2014-12-27: because of features such as being adjacent to a fire wall or ...
A 2012-12-26: +adjacent+ lässt darauf schließen, dass es sich um benachbarte Schirme handelt
A 2011-10-11: Could be said shorter if the phrase goes on a second sticker adjacent to t...
Q 2011-10-11: Product expires 2 years from the date of manufacture shown on the adjacent label
A 2008-08-12: adjacent regions
A 2008-08-12: adjacent regions / border regions \ régions limitrophes
A 2008-07-23: industrial building with adjacent site / plot etc. ?
A 2008-07-16: not suited or adapted to (adjacent) traffic usage
A 2008-06-05: http://www.google.de/search?q=%22building+and+adjacent+area%22&sourceid=na...
A 2008-05-26: meaning that you lived dangerously in that very curve-adjacent dwelling?
A 2007-07-04: adjacent areas, würde ich sagen.
A 2007-04-26: adjacent grounds?
A 2007-03-24: redesignation of adjacent areas
A 2006-06-27: adjacent thoroughfares
A 2004-04-02: hiatus: a break between adjacent vowels in the pronunciation of a word

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