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English-German translation for: adjusted
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Dictionary English German: adjusted

Translation 1 - 74 of 74

English German
VERB  to adjust | adjusted | adjusted ... 
SYNO   adjusted | familiarised | familiarized
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p} [larger]
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
adjusted {adj} {past-p}
angepaßt [alt]
sb. adjusted
jd. verstellte
spec. adjusted {adj} {past-p}adjustiert
sb. adjustedjd. justierte
2 Words: Others
adjusted accordingly {adj}entsprechend angepasst
adjusted annually {adj} [postpos.]jährlich angeglichen
adjusted by {adj} {past-p}korrigiert um
age-adjusted {adj}altersadjustiert
age-adjusted {adj}altersangepasst
tech. factory-adjusted {adj} [values, settings]werkseitig eingestellt
tech. factory-adjusted {adj} [values, settings]werksseitig eingestellt
finely adjusted {adj}fein eingestellt
fin. index-adjusted {adj}wertgesichert
econ. inflation-adjusted {adj}inflationsbereinigt
left-adjusted {adj}linksbündig
spec. quality-adjusted {adj} {past-p}qualitätsadjustiert
med. quality-adjusted {adj}qualitätskorrigiert
right-adjusted {adj}rechtsbündig
risk-adjusted {adj}risikoadjustiert
fin. risk-adjusted {adj}risikobereinigt
risk-adjusted {adj}risikogerecht
acc. risk-adjusted {adj}risikogewichtet
seasonally adjusted {adj}saisonbereinigt
stocks split-adjusted {adj}splitbereinigt
value adjusted {adj}wertangepasst
well-adjusted {adj}ausgeglichen [Charakter, Person]
well-adjusted {adj} [character, person]gut angepasst
2 Words: Nouns
adjusted amountVerrechnungswert {m}
acc. adjusted EBITDAbereinigtes EBITDA {n}
adjusted estimatesbereinigte Schätzungen {pl}
adjusted indexbereinigter Index {m}
adjusted priceberichtigter Preis {m}
adjusted profitbereinigter Gewinn {m}
adjusted valueAusgleichswert {m}
3 Words: Others
fin. stocks adjusted for dividends {adj} [postpos.]dividendenbereinigt
econ. adjusted for inflation {adj} [postpos.]inflationsbereinigt
adjusted to size {adj}der Größe angepasst
3 Words: Verbs
to become adjusted to sth.sichAkk. an etw.Akk. gewöhnen
to get adjusted to sth.sichAkk. an etw.Akk. gewöhnen
3 Words: Nouns
adjusted census figuresbereinigte Volkszählungsergebnisse {pl}
adjusted gross incomebereinigtes Bruttoeinkommen {n}
adjusted historical cost {sg}auf Tageswerte umgerechnete Anschaffungskosten {pl}
adjusted interest rateangepasster Zinssatz {m}
acc. adjusted trial balance(berichtigte) Probebilanz {f}
ph-adjusted soapph-neutrale Seife {f}
pH-adjusted soapim pH-Wert ausgeglichene Seife {f}
risk-adjusted resultrisikobereinigtes Ergebnis {n}
seasonally adjusted statisticssaisonbereinigte Statistik {f}
well-adjusted personangepasste Person {f}
4 Words: Others
econ. adjusted for price changes {adj}preisbereinigt
econ. stat. adjusted to purchasing power {adj} [postpos.]kaufkraftbereinigt
adjusted to the inevitable {adj}an das Unvermeidliche angepasst
tech. sth. can be adjusted rotationallyetw. ist drehverstellbar
4 Words: Nouns
med. stat. age-adjusted incidence ratealtersstandardisierte Inzidenzrate {f}
med. sociol. disability-adjusted life year <DALY>behinderungsbereinigtes Lebensjahr {n}
med. sociol. disease-adjusted life year <DALY>krankheitsbereinigtes Lebensjahr {n}
prices adjusted for qualityder Qualität angepasste Preise {pl}
med. QM quality adjusted life year <QALY>qualitätskorrigiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY>
med. quality adjusted life years <QUALYs>qualitätsgleiche Lebensjahre {pl} <QUALY>
med. QM quality-adjusted life year <QALY>qualitätsadjustiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY>
econ. insur. risk adjusted balanced scorecard <RABASCO>RABASCO {f} [kurz für: Risk Adjusted Balanced Scorecard]
5+ Words: Others
adjusted to fit almost any windowpassend für fast alle Fenster
My eyes gradually become adjusted to the darkness.Meine Augen gewöhnen sich allmählich / langsam an die Dunkelheit.
5+ Words: Nouns
med. sociol. disability-adjusted life year concept <DALY concept>DALY-Konzept {n}
econ. purchasing-power-adjusted exchange rate [rare][realer Wechselkurs]
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A 2020-08-27: destilled (here in the sense of: manipulated, adjusted, composed) in a way...
A 2014-04-27: pulled up his pants underneath his belt // adjusted his pants
A 2014-03-25: stimme Llama zu - "adjusted for" heißt "bereinigt um"
A 2013-08-02: (adjusted) accordingly?
A 2011-06-19: adjusted via the switchboard panel
A 2011-01-22: Thanks, adjusted.
Q 2011-01-16: Erste Medizingeräteübersetzung (Langzeit-EKG-Gerät) - "value adjusted last...
Q 2010-12-28: translating adjusted values in acquisition eliminations
A 2010-10-08: which says (adjusted):
A 2010-09-09: adjusted the settings
A 2010-08-24: No help with the German, but 'adjusted' and 'by difference' indicate calcu...
Q 2010-08-24: adjusted Protein; carbohydrate by difference; fiber total dietary - us-ame...
A 2009-06-21: aligned (ausgerichtet) is better than adjusted - thanks pierznj...
A 2009-06-21: Joins is OK, but don't you mean "aligned" not adjusted?
A 2008-11-13: A science on the nature of evil, adjusted for political purposes."
Q 2008-11-06: "Selling prices will be adjusted to changing market conditions at anytime."
A 2008-10-23: Working hours are adjusted according to operating requirements. Working hr...
A 2008-06-02: straightened, adjusted and ready to be installed
Q 2008-05-02: Technik: adjusted at 12 o'clock
A 2008-02-24: @ kalinka: I dunno. I suppose all data are adjusted ( =refreshed) at certa...

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adjusted census figures
adjusted EBITDA
adjusted estimates
adjusted for dividends
adjusted for inflation
adjusted for price changes

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