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English-German translation for: administrative
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Dictionary English German: administrative

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ADJ   administrative | more administrative | most administrative
ADJ  administrativ | - | -
administrativer | administrative | administratives
administrative {adj}
admin. administrative {adj}
admin. administrative {adj}
admin. administrative {adj}
admin. administrative {adj}
administrative {adj}
administrative {adj}
admin. pol. administrative {adj} [administration-related]
2 Words: Nouns
admin. law pol. (administrative) fineOrdnungsgeld {n}
(administrative) offence [Br.]Ordnungswidrigkeit {f}
admin. (administrative) officeAmt {n} [Dienststelle]
admin. (administrative) officeSekretariat {n} [Verwaltungsbüro]
jobs spec. admin support [coll.] [administrative support]administrative Unterstützung {f} [Büroberuf in der Sachbearbeitung, Verwaltung und Kundenunterstützung]
administrative accompaniment [of a project]Abwicklung {f} [Projektförderung]
acc. administrative accountingFinanzbuchhaltung {f}
acc. administrative accountingGeschäftsbuchhaltung {f}
admin. administrative actVerwaltungsakt {m}
law administrative actionVerwaltungshandeln {n}
admin. administrative activitiesVerwaltungstätigkeiten {pl}
admin. administrative affairsVerwaltungsangelegenheiten {pl}
admin. administrative affairsVerwaltungsfragen {pl}
admin. administrative agencyVerwaltungsbehörde {f}
admin. administrative agencyVerwaltungsstelle {f} [Behörde]
administrative agreementVerwaltungsabkommen {n}
administrative agreementVerwaltungsvereinbarung {f}
admin. administrative ambitVerwaltungsbereich {m}
admin. administrative apparatusVerwaltungsapparat {m}
administrative appealBeschwerde {f}
admin. administrative areaVerwaltungsgebiet {n}
admin. administrative assistanceAmtshilfe {f}
admin. jobs administrative assistant <AA>Verwaltungsassistent {m}
admin. jobs administrative assistant <AA> [female]Verwaltungsassistentin {f}
administrative auditinterne Revision {f}
admin. administrative authorityDienstbehörde {f}
administrative authorityVerwalter {m}
admin. administrative authorityVerwaltungsbehörde {f}
administrative authorityVerwaltungsinstanz {f}
administrative autonomyVerwaltungsautonomie {f}
administrative barriersbürokratische Hindernisse {pl}
administrative barriersbürokratische Hürden {pl} [fig.]
administrative behavior [Am.]Verwaltungshandeln {n}
administrative behaviour [Br.]Verwaltungshandeln {n}
admin. administrative boardVerwaltungsausschuss {m}
administrative boardVerwaltungsrat {m}
admin. administrative bodiesÄmter {pl}
admin. administrative bodiesBehörden {pl}
administrative bodiesVerwaltungszweige {pl}
admin. administrative bodyVerwaltungsbehörde {f}
admin. administrative bodyVerwaltungsgremium {n}
admin. administrative bodyVerwaltungsorgan {n}
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A 2017-10-17: What about this baby: Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters?
A 2017-06-05: In the German system, the Higher Administrative Court may also act as a +j...
Q 2017-01-22: Administrative teaming
A 2016-03-08: basic business administration module, preparing for the commercial adminis...
Q 2016-02-25: Administrative Clarification Letter
A 2015-08-20: I mean: "Administrative Procedures and Public Law Administration Act"
A 2015-08-20: maybe: "Administrative Procedures and Public Law Administration"
A 2015-05-11: State Administrative Agency (?)
Q 2015-04-02: administrative duties
A 2014-11-14: administrative/bureaucratic adaptation
A 2014-09-07: What is more, Oxford dictionaries aren't much of an authority on administr...
A 2013-02-27: "Chief Administrative Officer of the City"
A 2012-09-15: administrative abbreviation
A 2012-07-05: Council Directive 85/374/EEC of 25 July 1985 on the approximation of the l...
Q 2011-06-28: administrative probation
A 2011-04-27: administrative body of a German count
A 2011-03-06: 17:39 revisited: Verfahren > (legal parlance) lawsuit / proceedings - but ...
A 2011-02-21: In diesem Fall: Wie wär es damit, weil KAV --- administrative department
A 2010-12-21: administrative position
A 2010-09-15: administrative finality

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administrative affairs
administrative agency
administrative agreement
administrative ambit
administrative apparatus

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