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Dictionary English German: affairs

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NOUN   an affair | affairs
SYNO   affairs | personal business ... 
Angelegenheiten {pl}
Geschäfte {pl}
affairs [esp. amorous]
Affären {pl}
law pol. affairs
Belange {pl} [Angelegenheiten]
affairsgeschäftliche Angelegenheiten {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to conduct affairsGeschäfte leiten
to conduct sb.'s affairsfür jdn. die Geschäfte führen
to have affairs [while married]fremdgehen [ugs.]
to manage sb.'s affairsjds. Angelegenheiten regeln
2 Words: Nouns
(woman) affairsWeibergeschichten {pl} [meist pej.]
admin. administrative affairsVerwaltungsangelegenheiten {pl}
admin. administrative affairsVerwaltungsfragen {pl}
amorous affairsLiebesabenteuer {pl}
mil. army affairs {pl}Heereswesen {n}
mil. army affairs {pl}Heerwesen {n}
business affairsgeschäftliche Angelegenheiten {pl}
relig. church affairs {pl}Kirchenwesen {n}
constitutional affairsVerfassungsangelegenheiten {pl}
pol. consumer affairsVerbraucherangelegenheiten {pl}
educ. consumer affairs <CA>Verbraucherwissenschaft {f} [Studiengangsbezeichnung]
law criminal affairsStrafsachen {pl}
cultural affairs {pl}Kultus {m}
journ. RadioTV current affairsaktuelle Nachrichten {pl}
journ. current affairs [as reported in the news]Tagesereignisse {pl}
RadioTV current affairs {pl}Zeitgeschehen {n}
mil. pol. disarmament affairsAbrüstungsfragen {pl}
external affairsaußerbetriebliche Angelegenheiten {pl}
family affairsFamilienangelegenheiten {pl}
fin. financial affairsBankgeschäfte {pl}
financial affairsfinanzielle Angelegenheiten {pl}
foreign affairsauswärtige Angelegenheiten {pl}
pol. foreign affairs {pl}Außenpolitik {f}
general affairsallgemeine Angelegenheiten {pl}
pol. government affairsRegierungsgeschäfte {pl}
pol. home affairsInnenpolitik {f}
pol. home affairs {pl}Inneres {n} [innerstaatliche Angelegenheiten]
household affairsHaushaltsangelegenheiten {pl}
household affairs {pl}Hauswesen {n}
pol. immigration affairs {pl}Einwanderungswesen {n}
EU institutional affairsinstitutionelle Fragen {pl}
internal affairsInterna {pl} [geh.] [interne Angelegenheiten]
internal affairs <IA>innere Angelegenheiten {pl}
international affairsinternationale Angelegenheiten {pl}
international affairszwischenstaatliche Angelegenheiten {pl}
law legal affairsRechtsangelegenheiten {pl}
law legal affairsRechtsfragen {pl} [Angelegenheiten]
mil. military affairs {pl}Militärwesen {n}
minority affairsMinderheitenangelegenheiten {pl}
mil. naut. naval affairs {pl}Marinewesen {n}
hist. relig. Pack Affairs [Otto v. Pack]Packsche Händel {pl}
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A 2021-02-12: Extraterritorial Affairs
Q 2021-02-12: Extraterritorial Affairs
Q 2016-07-21: car affairs
A 2016-05-30: economic and social affairs
Q 2015-04-04: religious affairs correspondent
A 2013-09-16: Current affairs
A 2013-05-30: Just two possibilities: [City of XX] Law Department / [City of XX] Legal A...
A 2013-04-08: The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has ignored its own suggestion.
A 2012-11-28: Hollande acts/gets tough on foreign affairs. (As a headline)
A 2012-11-27: "Nunmehr" implies that there's no possibility for a return to a previous s...
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A 2011-01-14: Covert Affairs?
Q 2010-12-14: foreign affairs docket
Q 2010-11-11: Noticed how the Foreign Affairs Committee dealt with Afghanistan?
A 2010-08-22: settle one's affairs
A 2010-07-29: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22tax+office%22+%22c...
Q 2010-02-05: as he was then free from eventually getting involved with such XY affairs
A 2009-11-24: Hat mit der FDA zu tun: Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA, Büro für Überwa...

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