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English-German translation for: afternoon
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Dictionary English German: afternoon

Translation 1 - 50 of 143  >>

English German
NOUN   an afternoon | afternoons
SYNO   afternoon | good afternoon
afternoon {adj} [attr.]
afternoon {adj} [attr.]
Nachmittag {m}
2 Words: Others
all afternoon {adv}den Nachmittag über [den ganzen Nachmitag]
Good afternoon!Guten Tag! [nachmittags]
late afternoon {adj}spätnachmittäglich
one afternoon {adv}eines Nachmittags
that afternoon {adv}an jenem Nachmittag
this afternoon {adv}heute Nachmittag
until afternoon {adv}bis (zum) Nachmittag
yesterday afternoon {adv}gestern Nachmittag
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. (afternoon) snackVesperbrot {n} [bes. südd.] [selten für: Vesper]
afternoon airNachmittagsluft {f}
afternoon breakKaffeepause {f}
afternoon breakNachmittagspause {f}
afternoon businessNachmittagsgeschäft {n}
educ. afternoon classesNachmittagsklassen {pl}
educ. afternoon classes {pl}Mittagschule {f} [ugs.]
educ. afternoon classes {pl}Nachmittagsunterricht {m}
gastr. afternoon cocktailNachmittagscocktail {m}
gastr. afternoon coffeeNachmittagskaffee {m}
journ. afternoon dailyAbendblatt {n}
journ. afternoon dailyAbendzeitung {f}
cloth. afternoon dress [lady's outfit - usually with hat]Gesellschaftskleid {n} [Damenkostüm - gew. mit Hut]
journ. RadioTV afternoon editionNachmittagsausgabe {f}
aviat. afternoon flightNachmittagsflug {m}
afternoon heatNachmittagshitze {f}
afternoon napMittagsschlaf {m}
afternoon napMittagsschläfchen {n}
afternoon napNachmittagsschläfchen {n}
journ. afternoon newspaperAbendblatt {n}
afternoon offfreier Nachmittag {m}
relig. afternoon prayerNachmittagsgebet {n}
afternoon schoolNachmittagsunterricht {m}
afternoon sessionNachmittagssitzung {f}
afternoon sessionNachmittagsunterricht {m}
educ. afternoon sessions [school]Nachmittagsunterricht {m}
ind. jobs afternoon shiftNachmittagsschicht {f}
afternoon showNachmittagsvorstellung {f}
afternoon skyNachmittagshimmel {m}
afternoon sleepMittagsschlaf {m}
afternoon snackNachmittagsimbiss {m}
meteo. afternoon sunNachmittagssonne {f}
afternoon teaFünfuhrtee {m}
afternoon teaNachmittagstee {m}
RadioTV afternoon televisionNachmittagsfernsehen {n}
afternoon walkNachmittagsspaziergang {m}
naut. afternoon watchNachmittagswache {f}
April afternoonAprilnachmittag {m}
August afternoonAugustnachmittag {m}
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A 2023-07-15: probably: lunch = a grossly extended business lunch with plenty of wine e...
A 2016-07-01: Late-afternoon typo: theremin http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definitio...
A 2014-10-15: Just heard wuss on this afternoon's episode of +The Archers+ ;-)))
A 2014-05-02: come Sunday afternoon around und so war's plötzlich Sonntagnachmittag ....
Q 2014-05-02: come Sunday afternoon …
A 2013-09-30: depends where you live/stay ..... von 12 Uhr bis (early) afternoon ........
A 2013-07-07: I tried to clear up matters for ksoktogon rather than esmeralda. An aftern...
Q 2013-06-30: after ---- Mein Versuch mit Tags: after [coll.] [rare] [afternoon]
Q 2012-12-05: the afternoon of life (poetic for zweite Lebenshälfte?)
A 2012-03-19: to meet for a coffee afternoon
A 2012-01-18: All correspondence took place on Friday afternoon.
Q 2011-10-12: afternoon breaks and greenhouse gases (context needed)
A 2011-02-04: thanks, Bacca. made my afternoon :-))
A 2011-01-13: I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took ou...
A 2010-12-27: "Supper" always implies "evening," but "Vesper" could be a light mid-after...
A 2010-12-14: On this last afternoon of the year it had become pitch-dark unusually early.
A 2010-11-23: A tea dance - a dance held in the afternoon
A 2010-09-17: it's a really lazy forum today - it's friday afternoon
A 2010-07-15: Your Kaffee description would be afternoon tea (formal language) or tea an...
A 2010-06-22: @Catesse: Still, if you fancy a good laugh you should watch the match Fran...

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