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English-German translation for: ahead!
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Dictionary English German: ahead

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SYNO   ahead | forward | beforehand ... 
ahead {adv} {prep}
ahead {adv}
vor [z. B. vor uns liegt ..., zeitlich und räumlich]
ahead {adv}
ahead {adv}
vorne [ugs.]
ahead {adv}
ahead {adv}
ahead {adv} {prep}
ahead {adv}
ahead {adv}
ahead {adj} [postponed]
ahead {adv}vornweg [Variante von: vorneweg]
ahead {adv}an der Spitze
2 Words: Others
ahead (of) {adv}vorauf [selten] [voran, voraus (nur wenn es steil aufwärts geht)]
ahead of {prep}vor
ahead of {prep}im Vorfeld von
ahead of sb./sth. {prep}jdm./etw. voraus
dead ahead {adv}genau voraus
dead ahead {adv}genau vorwärts
dead ahead {adv}direkt da vorne
far aheadweit voraus
film Go ahead!Ab! [Regieanweisung]
Go ahead!Geh voran!
Go ahead!Komm schon!
Go ahead!Leg los! [ugs.] [Fang an!]
Go ahead!Nach Ihnen! [formelle Anrede] [jdm. den Vortritt lassend]
Go ahead!Nur zu!
Go ahead! <GA>Mach schon!
Go ahead! <GA>Na los!
Go ahead.Na los. [ugs.]
go-ahead {adj}fortschrittlich
go-ahead {adj}progressiv
hurried ahead {past-p}vorausgeeilt
Look ahead!Sieh dich vor!
read-ahead {adj}voraus lesend
sb./sth. went aheadjd./etw. ging voran
Steamer ahead!Schiff voraus!
straight ahead {adv}geradeaus
thought ahead {past-p}vorausgedacht
type-ahead {adj}voraus schreibend
Who's ahead?Wer ist an der Spitze?
2 Words: Verbs
to book (sth.) ahead(etw.Akk.) im Voraus buchen
to budget aheadvorausplanen
to buy aheadsich eindecken
to buy aheadauf Vorrat kaufen
to call aheadvorher anrufen [um sich anzumelden]
to date aheadvorausdatieren
to date aheadvordatieren
constr. mining to drill aheadweiterbohren
to edge aheadlangsam vorankommen
to edge aheadlangsam vorrücken
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A 2024-01-22: in relation to travelling ahead along the course of the road as well as in...
A 2018-04-19: Sure, go ahead and make life more difficult for non-native speakers of Ger...
A 2018-04-19: but it lacks the connotation "ahead of time", "promotion in order to bridg...
A 2018-04-18: buying ahead (special offer, sale, action), or: laying down stock
Q 2017-01-21: Bumpy ride ahead for Trumpy?
A 2016-04-21: Go ahead .....
A 2015-05-25: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/ahead-of-time?q=ahead...
A 2015-05-25: ahead of time - früher/schneller als erwartet
A 2015-03-21: wie bei der Zeitumstellung: "Spring ahead, fall back"
Q 2015-02-12: Relaxing weekend ahead?
A 2014-12-23: Well, you could argue that the Girardoni was ahead of its time in some respects.
A 2014-12-04: maybe: The landmarks ahead, blueprint for our / the future
A 2014-10-15: Go right ahead
A 2014-07-10: Even here linguistic usage has forged ahead in applying this (what???) further
A 2014-06-25: German is obviously way ahead of English on that score ;-)
A 2014-06-18: http://www.dict.cc/?s=plough+ahead&=
Q 2014-06-18: plow ahead – Scheuklappen auf oder zu?
A 2014-02-03: In some contexts: So I'm going on ahead / So go on aheard
A 2014-02-03: I'm going on ahead already / You go on ahead already
A 2014-02-03: ahead ....

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