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English-German translation for: aids
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Dictionary English German: aids

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NOUN1   an aid | aids
NOUN2   AIDS | -
VERB  to aid | aided | aided
aiding | aids
SYNO   AIDS ... 
NOUN   (das) Aids | -
SYNO   AIDS ... 
sb. aids
jd. hilft [unterstützt]
Hilfsmittel {pl}
med. AIDS [also: Aids]
Aids {n} [meist ohne Artikel]
Hilfen {pl}
Beihilfen {pl}
Zuschüsse {pl}
aids {pl}
Subvention {f}
Hilfsfunktionen {pl}
aids [accessories]Hülfsmittel {pl} [veraltet] [Hilfsmittel]
2 Words: Others
med. AIDS-infected {adj}aidsinfiziert
med. with AIDS {adj} [postpos.]aidskrank
2 Words: Nouns
med. absorbent aidssaugende Hilfsmittel {pl}
agr. pol. agricultural aidsAgrarsubventionen {pl}
AIDS aidAids-Hilfe {f}
med. AIDS crisisAIDS-Krise {f}
med. AIDS epidemicAIDS-Epidemie {f}
AIDS helpAids-Hilfe {f}
med. AIDS patientAidskranker {m}
med. AIDS patientAidspatient {m}
med. AIDS patient [female]Aidskranke {f}
med. AIDS patient [female]Aidspatientin {f}
med. aids patientsAidskranke {pl}
AIDS ribbon [also: Aids ribbon] [red ribbon]Aids-Schleife {f}
AIDS scareFurcht {f} vor AIDS
med. AIDS syndrome [coll.] [AIDS, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome]AIDS-Syndrom {n} [ugs.] [AIDS, erworbenes Immunmangelsyndrom]
audiovisual aidsaudiovisuelle Hilfen {pl}
cosmet. beauty aidsSchönheitsmittel {pl}
automot. QM tech. checking aids [PPAP]spezifische Prüfmittel {pl} [Produktionsteil-Abnahmeverfahren]
FoodInd. curing aidsPökelhilfsmittel {pl}
libr. finding aidsFindhilfsmittel {pl}
audio hearing aidsHörapparate {pl}
audio MedTech. hearing aidsHörmittel {pl}
household aidsHaushaltshilfen {pl}
household aidshaushaltliche Geräte {pl}
aviat. lighting aidsBefeuerungseinrichtungen {pl}
med. medical aidsmedizinische Hilfsmittel {pl}
office aidsBürogeräte {pl}
office aidsBürohilfen {pl}
transp. packaging aidsPackhilfsmittel {pl}
tech. pickling aidsBeizhilfsmittel {pl}
relig. preaching aidsPredigthilfen {pl}
tech. production aidsFertigungshilfsmittel {pl}
sales aidsVerkaufshilfsmittel {pl}
med. slim disease [S.Afr.] [AIDS]Aids {n} [meist ohne Artikel]
med. speaking aidsSprechhilfen {pl}
educ. teaching aidsLehrmittel {pl}
tech. testing aidsPrüfhilfsmittel {pl}
automot. traction aidsAnfahrhilfen {pl}
mil. training aidsLehrmittel {pl}
visual aids {pl}Anschauungsmaterial {n}
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A 2021-04-25: mobility aid / walking aids
A 2015-03-06: retailer .... special need / mobility aids /disability equipment ..... wa...
A 2013-10-04: HIV vs. AIDS
A 2011-02-18: pls. delete "it" before the word "aids."
A 2011-02-18: You're not. Keep in mind the style guide *claims* that this punctuation sc...
A 2010-11-11: Bitte in dict.cc eingeben: Findmittel > finding aid / finding aids
A 2009-04-07: Word order: What does +the aids+ mean? / What is the meaning of +the aids?+
A 2009-04-07: If you need the German equestrian term: the aids > die Hilfen
Q 2009-04-07: what does mean the aids
A 2009-03-26: visual aids
A 2008-12-01: In den 80ern war das Wort ja auch schon eher ein Witz. Und "marital aids" ...
A 2008-12-01: I guess "marital aids" is some sort of pun on "martial arts"..
A 2008-06-11: Rötemittel > reddening agent, Kutterhilfsmittel > chopper / cutter process...
A 2008-06-06: say no to aids
Q 2008-06-06: Gib AIDS keine Chance
A 2008-05-24: provision of teaching aids free of charge
A 2008-03-24: lighting aids
A 2007-12-27: There is a desire to support future meetings with the help of visual (comm...
A 2007-10-30: Reha is a manufacturer of aids for the disabled
A 2007-10-14: every walk aids a slim figure, every step brings fitness

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