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Dictionary English German: air conditioner

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NOUN1   an air-conditioner | air-conditioners
NOUN2   an air conditioner | air conditioners
SYNO   air conditioner | air conditioning
med. air-conditioner lungAir-Conditioner-Lunge {f} [auch: Airconditioner-Lunge]
air conditionerKlimaanlage {f}
air conditionerLuftkonditionierer {m}
med. air-conditioner lungKlimaanlage-Lunge {f}
tech. split air conditionerSplit-Klimaanlage {f}
cosmet. hair conditionerConditioner {m} [ugs.] [Haarspülung]
Partial Matches
conditionerBodenverbesserer {m}
cosmet. conditionerHaarspülung {f}
conditionerVerbesserer {m}
fabric conditionerWeichspüler {m}
fabric conditionerWeichspülmittel {n}
tech. flow conditionerStrömungsgleichrichter {m}
cosmet. hair conditionerPflegespülung {f}
mower-conditionerMähwender {m}
tech. tools signal conditionerSignalkonditionierer {m}
chem. water conditionerWasseraufbereiter {m}
to use fabric conditionerweichspülen
cosmet. conditionerSpülung {f} [für das Haar]
cosmet. deep (hair) conditionerHaarkur {f} [Produkt]
leather conditionerLederpflege {f} [Pflegemittel für Leder]
cosmet. to condition the hairdas Haar mit Conditioner behandeln
aviat. mil. air marshal <Air Mshl, AM>Air-Marshal {m} <Air Mshl> [auch: Air Marshal]
film F Air Collision [Liz Adams]Flight 23Air Crash
aviat. air-to-air refuelling <AAR> [Br.]Luftbetankung {f}
aviat. mil. air-to-air refueling aircraft [Am.]Luftbetankungsflugzeug {n}
aviat. air-to-air refueling [Am.]Luftbetankung {f}
aviat. air-to-air refueling [Am.]Lufttanken {n}
air-to-air encounterLuftgefecht {n}
film photo. air-to-air shotLuftaufnahme {f}
RadioTV F The Fresh Prince of Bel-AirDer Prinz von Bel-Air
air conditioningAir-Condition {f}
mil. Air Force Combat Action Medal <AFCAM> [U.S. Air Force]Air Force Kampfeinsatz-Medaille {f} [US-Luftstreitkräfte]
mus. open-air concertOpen Air {n} [kurz: Open-Air-Konzert]
open-air festivalOpen Air {n} [Kurzform] [Open-Air-Festival]
tech. air-to-air heat pumpLuft/Luft-Wärmepumpe {f}
lit. F Air Force One is Down [Alistair MacLean]Der Höllenflug der Air Force One
med. air-block techniqueAir-Block-Technik {f} [Varikosebehandlung]
tech. air-air heat pumpLuft/Luft-Wärmepumpe {f}
weapons air-to-air missileLuft-Luft-Rakete {f}
mus. airAir {n} [Lied]
med. air-block syndromeAir-Block-Syndrom {n}
open-air assemblyOpen-Air-Versammlung {f}
mus. open-air concertOpen-Air-Konzert {n}
open-air festivalOpen-Air-Fest {n}
comm. mus. theatre open-air seasonOpen-Air-Saison {f}
film F Air America [Roger Spottiswoode]Air America
film F Con Air [Simon West]Con Air
audio air-bone gap <ABG>Air-Bone-Gap {f} <ABG> [Verlauf der Knochenleitungskurve zur Luftleitungskurve]
mil. Special Air Service <SAS>Special Air Service {m} <SAS> [Spezialeinheit der britischen Armee]
MedTech. air bubble detector <ABD>Air-Bubble-Detektor {m} <ABD>
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A 2010-05-26: "Guidelines for removing filter while the air conditioner is in operation."

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