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English-German translation for: air freight
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Dictionary English German: air freight

Translation 1 - 50 of 2758  >>

NOUN   air freight | -
VERB  to air-freight | air-freighted | air-freighted ... 
SYNO   to air-freight | to air-ship ... 
SEE ALSO  airfreight
aviat. air freightLuftfracht {f}
Keywords contained
aviat. to air-freight sth.etw.Akk. per Luftfracht befördern
air freight billLuftfrachtbrief {m}
air freight chargesLuftfrachtkosten {pl}
aviat. air freight fleetLuftfrachtflotte {f}
air freight forwarderLuftfrachtführer {m}
air freight forwarderLuftfrachtspediteur {m}
air freight forwardingLuftfrachtspedition {f}
air freight serviceLuftfrachtdienst {m}
air freight serviceLuftfrachtverkehr {m}
aviat. air freight spaceLuftfrachtraum {m}
air freight tariffLuftfrachttarif {m}
aviat. air-freight companyLuftfrachtgesellschaft {f}
priority air freightbevorzugte Luftfracht {f}
transportation of air freightTransport {m} von Luftfrachtgut
cost {sg} of air freightKosten {pl} der Luftfracht
air freight with less urgencyweniger dringliche Luftfracht {f}
Partial Matches
aviat. air-to-air refuelling <AAR> [Br.]Luftbetankung {f}
aviat. mil. air-to-air refueling aircraft [Am.]Luftbetankungsflugzeug {n}
aviat. mil. air marshal <Air Mshl, AM>Air-Marshal {m} <Air Mshl> [auch: Air Marshal]
aviat. air-to-air refueling [Am.]Luftbetankung {f}
aviat. air-to-air refueling [Am.]Lufttanken {n}
tech. air-to-air heat pumpLuft/Luft-Wärmepumpe {f}
to freightverfrachten
freightFracht {f}
transp. freightFrachten {pl}
freightFrachtgeld {n}
freightFrachtgut {n}
transp. freight {sg}Güter {pl}
freight collectFracht vom Empfänger einzuziehen
transp. freight collect {adj}unfrei
freight forwardFracht am Zielort zahlbar
transp. freight forwardunfrei
freight paidFracht bezahlt
freight paid {adj}frachtfrei
freight prepaidFracht im Voraus bezahlt
freight prepayableFracht vorauszahlbar
freight unpaidFracht unbezahlt
to advance freightFrachtkosten vorschießen
to book freightFrachtraum buchen
actual freightIst-Fracht {f}
additional freightFrachtzuschlag {m}
additional freightZusatzfracht {f}
advance freightFrachtvorauszahlung {f}
advance freightFrachtvorschuss {m}
back freightRückfracht {f}
bulk freightFracht {f} von offen verladenem Gut
bulk freightMassenfracht {f}
consolidated freightSammelgut {n}
transp. container freightContainerfracht {f}
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A 2008-03-20: ... we must differentiate between air freight/air mail traffic and other k...
A 2007-12-11: What would it cost me to have the goods air freighted?
A 2007-12-11: What will I have to pay if you send the goods by air freight?

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