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Dictionary English German: aircraft

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NOUN   an aircraft | aircraft [official]/aircrafts [unofficial, but quite common]
aviat. aircraft {adj} [attr.] [e.g. carrier, fuselage, wing, manufacturer]
Flugzeug- [z. B. Träger, Rumpf, Flügel, Bauer]
aviat. aircraft [airplane]
Flugzeug {n}
aviat. aircraft [airplane]
Flieger {m} [ugs.] [Flugzeug]
aviat. aircraft {pl} [airplanes]
Flugzeuge {pl}
aviat. aircraft
Luftfahrzeug {n}
aviat. aircraft
Fluggerät {n}
aviat. aircraft {pl}
Luftfahrzeuge {pl}
2 Words: Others
aircraft's (own) {adj}bordeigen
mil. weapons anti-aircraft {adj}Fliegerabwehr-
mil. weapons anti-aircraft {adj}Luftabwehr-
aviat. mil. anti-aircraft {adj} [attr.] <AA>Flugabwehr-
2 Words: Nouns
aviat. (aircraft) airstairs {pl} [boarding stairs]Fluggasttreppe {f}
(aircraft) hijacker [female]Luftpiratin {f}
agr. aviat. agricultural aircraftAgrarflugzeug {n}
aviat. aircraft accidentFlugunfall {m}
aviat. insur. aircraft accidentFlugzeugunfall {m}
aviat. aircraft accidentFlugzeugunglück {n}
aircraft armamentFlugzeugbewaffnung {f}
aviat. aircraft bellyFlugzeugbauch {m}
mil. weapons aircraft bombFliegerbombe {f}
aviat. aircraft brakesFlugzeugbremsen {pl}
aviat. mil. weapons aircraft cannonBordkanone {f} <BK> [Flugzeug]
aviat. aircraft capacityFlugzeugkapazität {f}
aviat. jobs aircraft captainFlugkapitän {m}
aviat. aircraft careFlugzeugpflege {f}
aviat. mil. naut. aircraft carrierFlugzeugträger {m}
aviat. mil. naut. aircraft carriersFlugzeugträger {pl}
aviat. aircraft cemeteryFlugzeugfriedhof {m}
mil. aircraft commanderFliegerführer {m} [Luftwaffe]
aviat. ind. aircraft companyFlugzeugbauer {m} [Unternehmen]
aviat. ind. aircraft companyFlugzeughersteller {m}
aviat. aircraft componentsFlugzeugbauteile {pl}
aviat. educ. aircraft constructionFlugzeugbau {m}
aviat. transp. aircraft container [unit load device]Luftfrachtcontainer {m}
aircraft cruiserFlugdeckkreuzer {m}
hist. mil. naut. aircraft cruiserFlugzeugkreuzer {m}
aviat. jobs aircraft designerFlugzeugkonstrukteur {m}
aviat. aircraft emergencyLuftnotfall {m}
aviat. ecol. aircraft emissionsFlugzeugemissionen {pl}
aviat. aircraft engineFlugmotor {m}
aviat. aircraft engineFlugzeugmotor {m}
aviat. tech. aircraft engineeringLuftfahrzeugtechnik {f}
mil. Aircraft FactoryFlugzeugbau {m} [Luftwaffe]
aviat. ind. aircraft factoryFlugzeugfabrik {f}
aviat. ind. aircraft factoryFlugzeugwerk {n}
aviat. aircraft fleetFlugzeugflotte {f}
aviat. aircraft fleetFlugzeugpark {m}
aviat. aircraft fuselageFlugzeugrumpf {m}
aviat. aircraft handlingFlugzeugabfertigung {f}
aviat. aircraft hangarFlugzeughangar {m}
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A 2022-10-22: they underwent a few days of training on the anti-aircraft gun / on the FLAK
A 2017-12-03: Aircraft marshalling signals
A 2016-05-23: machine = aircraft?
A 2015-01-18: Not for aircraft and certain types of other machinery
Q 2013-06-04: Dringende Pressemitteilung: aircraft running on cow power (methane gas)
A 2013-01-11: In the U.S. Armed Forces, a "wing" is an organizational unit with no fixed...
A 2011-09-12: aircraft hijacker
A 2010-09-29: aircraft
A 2009-11-25: the designing, building and flying of aircraft
Q 2009-01-16: Könnte bitte jemand so gut sein und +bird strike (aircraft engine)+ > +Vog...
A 2008-10-17: impact from/by aircraft - (starker) Einfluss/Beteiligung von ...
Q 2008-10-17: impact from/by aircraft
Q 2008-08-21: aircraft on gound AOG situation = AOG-Situation? anscheinend wird der Begr...
Q 2008-06-28: aircraft translations ..
A 2008-03-24: shunting aircraft - Thanks, Proteus! Thanks to all!
A 2008-03-24: I agree with Proteus on the plural of aircraft.
A 2008-03-24: avoids engine immissions caused by shunting aircraft on the airport grounds
A 2008-03-24: is the plural AIRCRAFT (as I have learned) ...
A 2008-03-22: noisy types of +aircraft+ / ? very frequent occurrence of individual acous...
A 2007-11-26: he got a lift/ride on a military aircraft

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