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English-German translation for: alive
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Dictionary English German: alive

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ADJ   alive | more alive | most alive
SYNO   alive | live | animated | active ... 
alive {adj}
alive {adj}
alive {adj}
alive {adj}
alive {adj}
alive {adj}am Leben
electr. alive {adj} [rare for live]unter Spannung stehend
2 Words: Others
alive again {adj}wieder lebendig
alive to {adj}aufgeschlossen für
alive toempfindlich für
alive tovoll bewusst
alive with [predicative adj.]voller [prep +Gen.] [Tiere, Menschen]
zool. born alive {adj}lebend geboren
buried (alive) {adj} {past-p}verschüttet [unter etw. begraben]
buried alivelebendig begraben
dead-alive {adj}halbtot
dead-alive {adj}langweilig
dead-alive {adj}öde
Get alive!Wach auf!
mil. Look alive!Mach schneller!
Look alive! [coll.]Mach hin! [ugs.] [regional] [Beeil dich!]
Look alive! [coll.] [dated] [said to two or more people]Beeilt euch!
Man alive!Menschenskind!
Man alive!Menschenskinder! [ugs.]
vitally alive {adj}quicklebendig
2 Words: Verbs
to be aliveleben
to be aliveam Leben sein
to bring sb./sth. alivejdn./etw. lebendig werden lassen
to burn alivebei lebendigem Leib verbrennen
to burn sb./sth. alivejdn./etw. bei lebendigem Leib verbrennen
to bury sb. alivejdn. lebendig begraben
to bury sb. alivejdn. bei lebendigem Leib / Leibe begraben
to come alivelebendig werden
to eat sb. aliveüber jdn. herfallen [fig.]
to eat sb. alivejdn. bei lebendigem Leibe auffressen
to eat sb. alive [idiom]jdn. in der Luft zerreißen [Redewendung] [verbal fertigmachen]
to flay sb. alive [coll.] [fig.]jdm. das Fell über die Ohren ziehen [ugs.] [fig.]
to keep aliveam Leben bleiben
to keep alive [memories]wach halten [Erinnerungen]
to keep sb./sth. alivejdn./etw. am Leben erhalten
to keep sb./sth. alive [also fig.]jdn./etw. am Leben halten [auch fig.]
to keep sth. alive [sb.'s memory of sb./sth.]etw.Akk. wachhalten [die Erinnerung an jdn./etw.]
to make sb./sth. alivejdn./etw. zum Leben erwecken
to stay aliveam Leben bleiben
3 Words: Others
alive and kicking {adj} [idiom]gesund und munter [Redewendung]
alive and well {adj}gesund und munter
alive to pain {adj}schmerzempfindlich
alive to pain {adj}empfänglich für Schmerzen
alive with fish {adj} [postpos.]voller Fische [nachgestellt]
alive with people {adj} [postpos.]voller Leute [nachgestellt]
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Q 2023-10-26: The Sexist Man Alive
A 2023-07-26: Vgl. übrigens "alive", "asleep", "awake"
Q 2019-03-12: +endorse+ etc. alive and kicking? #905903
Q 2017-10-04: Alive
A 2016-11-13: You needn't even be alive...
A 2016-01-27: It means +as long as you're alive.+
Q 2015-12-13: Komplizierter Kfz-Text mit Marketingelementen (Abgabe Mittwoch, 16.12.2015...
A 2015-06-27: It's alive and kicking in Austria (or perhaps it's just the peole I know) :-)
A 2015-04-03: Corollary: +seit Menschengedenken+ therefore does not mean +within living ...
A 2015-01-03: :) Hi Catesse, I am still alive!
A 2014-11-14: alive
A 2014-07-12: On the evidence of books, at least this side of the Atlantic +fisticuffs+ ...
A 2014-05-07: What is to be feared is not death but a failure ever to start being alive
A 2013-11-09: The Hylia people have left their still visible marks on Hyrule although th...
A 2013-11-09: The Hylia people have left their still visible marks on Hyrule although th...
Q 2013-10-23: he was alive, as any human being ever gets
A 2013-03-11: Bill is alive
Q 2012-10-07: I'm still alive! - And I have a question:
A 2012-08-10: You will always be alive in our memory.
Q 2012-08-03: Just wanted to say, I'm alive and kicking

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