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English-German translation for: allegiance
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Dictionary English German: allegiance

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
NOUN   an allegiance | allegiances
SYNO   allegiance | fealty | commitment ... 
Loyalität {f}
Treuepflicht {f}
allegiance [sense of belonging]
Zugehörigkeitsgefühl {n}
Gefolgschaftstreue {f}
Bindung {f}
Anhänglichkeit {f}
Untertanentreue {f}
allegiance [subservience]
Untertänigkeit {f}
Untertanenpflicht {f}
hist. allegiance
Lehenspflicht {f}
2 Words: Verbs
to give sb. allegiancejdm. Gefolgschaft leisten
2 Words: Nouns
allegiance (to)Treue {f} (gegenüber)
market. brand allegiance [brand bonding]Markenbindung {f}
market. brand allegiance [brand loyalty]Markentreue {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to pledge allegiance toTreue schwören
3 Words: Nouns
hist. (duty of) allegianceGefolgschaftspflicht {f}
admin. declaration of allegianceTreueerklärung {f} [dem Staat gegenüber]
duty of allegianceTreuepflicht {f} [Beamte]
oath of allegianceFahneneid {m}
hist. oath of allegianceLehnseid {m}
oath of allegianceTreueeid {m}
oath of allegianceTreueid {m}
oath of allegianceTreueschwur {m}
hist. oath of allegiance [ceremonial public pledge of loyalty to a new monarch]Huldigungseid {m}
pol. pledge of allegiance [Am.]Fahneneid {m}
pol. pledge of allegiance [Am.]Treueschwur {m}
4 Words: Nouns
pol. allegiance to a partyLoyalität {f} zu einer Partei
pol. allegiance to the stateStaatstreue {f}
allegiance to the truthWahrheitstreue {f}
allegiance to the truthVerpflichtung {f} zur Wahrheit
5+ Words: Others
quote I am not bound over to swear allegiance to any master. [Jonson alluding to Horace's Epistles 'Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri']Ich schulde den Worten keines Meisters blinden Gehorsam. [auch: Ich schwöre auf keines Lehrers / Meisters Worte.]
pol. quote I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.Ich schwöre Treue auf die Fahne der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und die Republik, für die sie steht, eine Nation unter Gott, unteilbar, mit Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit für jeden.
5+ Words: Verbs
to pledge allegiance to the flagTreue auf die Fahne geloben / schwören
to pledge eternal / undying allegiance to sb.jdm. unverbrüchliche Treue schwören
to refuse to give sb. one's allegiancejdm. die Gefolgschaft verweigern
to take the oath of allegianceden Fahneneid leisten
to take the oath of allegianceden Eid auf die Fahne schwören
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. allegiance to the federal governmentBundestreue {f}
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A 2019-03-17: he never dropped his allegiance to Bach
A 2016-03-17: pledge of allegiance
A 2015-06-06: Lord North: At that time, party allegiance was not yet as clear-cut as it ...
Q 2014-08-23: "wide verbal allegiance"
A 2013-12-03: to be bound by allegiance to the king
A 2013-07-17: "Sworn allegiance" would be "Gefolgschaftseid"
Q 2011-08-29: they need feel any allegiance to anything
A 2010-11-15: No, nothing. And this having been Alabama in the 1950s and 60s, not even t...
A 2010-03-22: No, it's because you just have to say the Pledge of Allegiance and pay you...
A 2009-06-26: an oath of eternal allegiance /loyalty till death
Q 2009-01-15: you owe a fiduciary duty of loyalty, fidelity and allegiance
Q 2006-11-21: The Oath of Allegiance of US citizenship
A 2006-05-15: are you looking for "allegiance"?
A 2006-04-19: I pledge allegiance to the Flag

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• allegiance
allegiance (to)
allegiance to a party
allegiance to the state
allegiance to the truth
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