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English-German translation for: alliance
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Dictionary English German: alliance

Translation 1 - 50 of 99  >>

English German
NOUN1   alliance [state of being allied] | -
NOUN2   an alliance | alliances
SYNO   alliance | confederation | bond ... 
Verbindung {f} [bes. zw. Ländern, Organisationen etc.]
Bündnis {n}
Allianz {f}
Bund {m} [Bündnis, Allianz]
Verknüpfung {f}
Verwandtschaft {f}
allianceHeiratsbund {m}
allianceVerschwägerung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
action allianceAktionsbündnis {n}
aviat. comm. airline allianceLuftfahrtallianz {f}
mil. pol. alliance armyBündnisarmee {f}
alliance partnerAllianzpartner {m}
alliance partnerBündnispartner {m}
pol. alliance policyBündnispolitik {f}
alliance relationshipsBündnisbeziehungen {pl}
alliance withBündnis {n} mit
mil. pol. battle allianceKampfallianz {f}
market. brand allianceMarkenallianz {f}
close allianceenges Bündnis {n}
pol. counter-allianceGegenbündnis {n}
crusader allianceKreuzfahrer-Allianz {f} [auch: Kreuzfahrerallianz]
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Defensivallianz {f}
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Defensivbündnis {n}
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Verteidigungsallianz {f}
defence alliance [Br.]Verteidigungsbündnis {n}
mil. pol. defense alliance [Am.]Verteidigungsallianz {f}
mil. pol. defensive allianceDefensivallianz {f}
mil. pol. defensive allianceDefensivbündnis {n}
defensive allianceSchutzbündnis {n}
defensive allianceVerteidigungsbündnis {n}
hist. Dual AllianceZweibund {m}
pol. electoral allianceWahlbündnis {n}
evil allianceböse Verbindung {f}
global allianceweltweites Bündnis {n}
hist. Holy AllianceHeilige Allianz {f}
industrial allianceIndustrieverbund {m}
pol. international allianceStaatengesellschaft {f}
international allianceinternationales Bündnis {n}
loose allianceloser Zusammenschluss {m}
marketing allianceAbsatzverbund {m}
marriage allianceHeiratsallianz {f}
mil. pol. military allianceMilitärallianz {f}
mil. pol. military allianceMilitärbündnis {n}
Northern AllianceNordallianz {f}
pol. opposition allianceOppositionsallianz {f}
pol. opposition allianceOppositionsbündnis {n}
pol. political alliancepolitisches Bündnis {n}
reform allianceReformbündnis {n}
acad. research allianceForschungsallianz {f}
hist. pol. Rhenish AllianceRheinische Allianz {f}
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Q 2020-12-02: University Alliance funding...
A 2014-12-13: Beg to differ. NATO partners are perfectly entitled to military exercises ...
A 2011-05-12: +alliance+ in the sense of +wedding ring+ is a blatant Gallicism
Q 2010-11-26: Anglo-German alliance?
A 2009-12-17: The Germans changed their policy of destruction in Romania for reasons of ...
A 2009-12-17: reasons of domestic and alliance policies / motivated by domestic and alli...
A 2008-11-04: In order to preserve its independence, in 1358 B. joins the Hanseatic Leag...
A 2008-07-24: Action Alliance
A 2008-07-24: some kind of alliance for extradicting s.o.
A 2008-04-20: I think so. "General Contractors Awarded Contract for Alliance Bank Expres...
A 2008-02-26: .... that the alliance is really alive.
A 2008-02-26: alliance, sorry
A 2007-12-09: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22economic+...
A 2007-02-17: Zusammenschluß = alliance, association
A 2006-08-03: C contributed a 30-per-cent finacial support to the Alliance.
A 2006-07-16: think I have it: Symbol Technologies IS the alliance partner, yes?
Q 2006-03-07: growth of the unholy alliance
Q 2006-01-10: alliance, lincensing-in, embedding & integration hub

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