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English-German translation for: allowed people
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Dictionary English German: allowed people

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permitted hours [time during which people, e.g. teenagers, are allowed to leave the home]Ausgehzeit {f}
idiom You are excused. [are allowed to leave the room] [said to two or more people]Ihr könnt jetzt gehen. [den Raum verlassen]
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prohibited {adj} [inadmissible, not allowed]unstatthaft [geh.]
transp. loading period [time allowed for loading]Ladefrist {f}
to unify sb./sth. [people / groups of people]jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden]
to unite sb./sth. [people / groups of people]jdn./etw. einigen [Personen / Personengruppen einig machen, zu einer Einheit verbinden]
law [time allowed for filing notice of opposition]Einspruchsfrist {f}
mil. [conscript allowed to do non-military (esp. building) work]Bausoldat {m} [DDR]
proverb Misery loves company. [People feeling sad want the people they are with to also feel sad.]Elend sucht Elend. [selten]
[in Germany, the amount of wealth a Hartz IV claimant is allowed to keep]Schonvermögen {n}
idiom You are excused. [are allowed to leave the room]Sie können jetzt gehen. [den Raum verlassen]
mouche [a small patch of beard shaped and allowed to grow under the lower lip]Fliege {f} [Unterlippenbärtchen]
gastr. scald [grain or flour combined with hot water and allowed to sit for several hours in breadmaking]Brühstück {n}
quote Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people. [Abraham Lincoln]Demokratie ist die Regierung des Volkes, durch das Volk, für das Volk.
idiom You are excused. [are allowed to leave the room] [said to one person]Du kannst jetzt gehen. [den Raum verlassen]
jobs [period of time which an employer is not allowed to dismiss an employee]Behaltefrist {f} [österr.]
verboten {adj} [forbidden, not allowed]verboten
spec. allowance [quantity of additional material allowed for shrinkage]Zugabe {f} [von Stoff wegen Einlaufen, Material wegen Schrumpfung]
print text with ragged alignment [alignment of text where the lines of text are allowed to end naturally]Text {m} mit frei auslaufenden Zeilen
hist. mil. People's Police Sea [GDR, part of the Barracked People's Police and forerunner of the People's Navy of the NPA]Volkspolizei {f} See <VP-See> [DDR, Teil der KVP und Vorläufer der Volksmarine der NVA]
ethn. relig. Amish [people]Amische {pl}
blacks [people]Schwarze {pl}
Cajun [people]Cajuns {pl}
ethn. hist. Kambojas [people]Kamboja {pl}
ethn. Scots [people]Schotten {pl}
sources [people]Gewährsleute {pl}
substitutes [people]Ersatzleute {pl}
ethn. Tajiks [people]Tadschiken {pl}
displaced {adj} {past-p} [people]vertrieben [Menschen]
indigenous {adj} [people]eingesessen [einheimisch]
lined {adj} [old people]faltig
sprightly {adj} [old people]rüstig
to fly [of people]sausen
to grunt [of people]knurren
to jam [people, animals]pferchen
to muster [people, forces]zusammentrommeln
[people bidding farewell]Abschiednehmende {pl}
ethn. Ami [people]Amis {pl} [Taiwan]
assemblage [of people]Versammlung {f}
ethn. Chams [Cham people]Cham {pl}
chattering [of people]Plaudern {n}
ethn. hist. Chauci {pl} [Chauci people]Chauken {pl}
circle [of people]Personenkreis {m}
folk [people]Volk {n} [Leute]
folks [coll.] [people]Leute {pl}
foursome [four people]Quartett {n}
ethn. Gagauzes [Gagauz people]Gagausen {pl}
Kashubian [Kashubian people]Kaschube {m}
ethn. Manchus [Manchu people]Mandschu {pl}
Masurian [Masurian people]Masure {m}
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