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English-German translation for: alongside
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Dictionary English German: alongside

Translation 1 - 42 of 42

English German
SYNO   aboard | alongside
alongside {adv}
alongside {prep}
alongside {prep}
naut. alongside {adv} {prep}
alongside {prep}
alongside {adv}
nebenstehend [Bild etc.]
naut. alongside {adv} <A/S>
alongside (sb./sth.) {adv} {prep}an der Seite (jds./etw.)
alongside (sb./sth.) {adv} {prep}an die Seite (jds./etw.)
alongside sb./sth. {adv} {prep}an der Seite von jdm./etw.
alongside sb./sth. {adv} {prep}an die Seite von jdm./etw.
2 Words: Others
alongside (of) {prep}Seite an Seite mit
alongside of sth. {adv}parallel zu etw.Dat. [räumlich]
naut. alongside ship {adv}längsseits
naut. alongside shiplängs Schiff
naut. alongside shiplängsseits Schiff
2 Words: Verbs
naut. to bring alongsidelängsseits bringen
naut. to come alongsidelängsseits anlegen
to fight alongside sb./sth.an der Seite von jdm./etw. kämpfen
to run alongsidenebenher laufen
to work alongside sb. [fig.]mit jdm. zusammenarbeiten
2 Words: Nouns
alongside loadingLängsverlad {m} [schweiz.] [Seitenbeladung]
alongside loadingSeitenbeladung {f} [eines Transportmittels]
alongside unloading [logistics]Seitenentladung {f} [eines Transportmittels, bes. bei Bahnwagen]
transp. alongside unloading [unloading alongside ships, trucks, wagons]längsseitiger Entlad {m} [schweiz.] [Seitenentladung]
3 Words: Others
alongside one another {adv}Seite an Seite
naut. alongside the quay {adv}am Kai
alongside the vessel {adv}Längsseite Schiff
comm. naut. free alongside ship <FAS>frei Längsseite Schiff [Incoterm]
comm. naut. free alongside ship <FAS>frei Längsseite Seeschiff
comm. naut. free alongside ship <FAS>frei längsseits Schiff [Incoterm]
less often alongside {prep}seltener neben
3 Words: Nouns
delivery alongside shipLängsseitlieferung {f}
delivery alongside shipLängsseitslieferung {f}
4 Words: Others
alongside a parked vehicleneben einem geparkten Fahrzeug
4 Words: Verbs
to bring a ship alongsideein Schiff längsseits bringen
to come alongside the quayam Kai längsseits anlegen
to work alongside one's studiesneben dem Studium arbeiten
4 Words: Nouns
comm. alongside bill of ladingLängsseitkonnossement {n}
delivery alongside the vesselLängsseitlieferung {f} [Rsv.]
delivery alongside the vesselLängsseitslieferung {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
to pale into insignificance (beside / alongside sth.)bedeutungslos werden (neben etw.)
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A 2016-07-10: Alongside development of the novel, TM's arduous change of direction towar...
A 2011-08-23: ... exist alongside the milieu of the Endangered middle ... which is about...
A 2010-10-22: Obviously, Hen Len exists alongside with Henny Penny : http://fairytales4u...
A 2010-06-29: differing ...? ... not allowed to do any business alongside ....
A 2010-05-21: If in fact it is alongside...
A 2010-01-22: FAS > free alongside ship = frei Längsseite Schiff
A 2008-12-16: Alongside
A 2008-12-16: +alongside+ one word http://www.onelook.com/?w=alongside&ls=a
A 2008-11-18: ? His way of walking alongside his father seems almost accidental (wie nic...
A 2008-11-18: ? The way he is walking alongside his father nearly does not matter
Q 2008-08-03: The rats would continue to race even if you weren't running alongside them.
A 2008-02-20: pull up alongside the quai
A 2007-10-29: We work alongside our customers
A 2007-10-10: Racism developed alongside slavery
A 2007-07-23: Software implementation has begun and staff are taught its use alongside t...
A 2007-05-07: alongside customer . . .
A 2007-04-24: schwierig...oben in dict.cc gibts 'co-op studies' or 'alongside'
A 2007-02-23: beside, alongside, next to
A 2007-01-27: alonGside
A 2007-01-19: and placed his studies alongside his research?

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