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| biochem. alpha-lipoic acid <α-lipoic acid, ALA> [C8H14O2S2] | Alpha-Liponsäure {f} <α-Liponsäure, ALA> | |
Partial Matches |
| mineral. alpha-quartz [SiO2] | Alpha-Quarz {m} | |
| chem. alpha carbon atom | Alpha-Kohlenstoffatom {n} | |
| chem. alpha-amino acid | Alpha-Aminosäure {f} | |
| chem. alpha-amino acids | Alpha-Aminosäuren {pl} | |
| alpha activity | Alpha-Aktivität {f} | |
| drugs psych. alpha alcoholic | Alpha-Alkoholiker {m} | |
| chem. alpha carbon | Alpha-Kohlenstoff {m} | |
| ecol. alpha diversity | Alpha-Diversität {f} | |
| biol. alpha female | Alpha-Weibchen {n} | |
| biol. zool. alpha male | Alpha-Männchen {n} | |
| ling. alpha privative | Alpha privativum {n} | |
| med. alpha rhythm | Alpha-Rhythmus {m} | |
| biochem. alpha secretase | Alpha-Sekretase {f} | |
| stocks alpha shares | Alpha-Werte {pl} | |
| stocks alpha stocks | Alpha-Werte {pl} | |
| med. alpha wave | Alpha-Welle {f} | |
| chem. alpha cellulose [true cellulose] | Alpha-Zellulose {f} [fachspr.: Alpha-Cellulose] | |
| phys. tech. alpha-proton X-ray spectrometer <APX> | Alpha-Proton-Röntgenspektrometer {n} | |
| phys. alpha-proton X-ray spectrometry <APX> | Alpha-Proton-Röntgenspektrometrie {f} | |
| med. alpha brainwave [also: alpha brain wave] | Gehirnwelle {f} im Alpha-Bereich [Alpha-Welle, Alphawelle, Alpha-Gehirnwelle] | |
| chem. med. 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor | 5-Alpha-Reduktase-Hemmer {m} | |
| film F Alpha Dog [Nick Cassavetes] | Alpha Dog – Tödliche Freundschaft | |
| med. interferon-alpha therapy <IFNα therapy, IFN-alpha therapy> | Interferon-Alpha-Therapie {f} <IFNα-Therapie, IFN-alpha-Therapie> | |
| chem. alpha-linolenic acid <ALA> | Alpha-Linolensäure {f} <ALA> | |
| med. alpha-galactosidase A deficiency [Fabry disease] | Alpha-Galaktosidase-A-Mangel {m} [Fabry-Krankheit] | |
| med. Alpha variant [also: alpha variant] [of the coronavirus] [B.1.1.7] | Alpha-Variante {f} [auch: Variante Alpha] [Coronavirusvariante Alpha] | |
| comp. alpha geek [coll.] | Alpha-Geek {m} [ugs.] | |
| astron. Alpha Monocerotids <AMO> | Alpha-Monocerotiden {pl} <AMO> | |
| astron. Alpha Orionis [Betelgeuse] | Alpha Orionis {m} [Beteigeuze] | |
| fish 3-alpha identifier | Alpha-3-Fischcode {m} | |
| comp. alpha-beta pruning | Alpha-Beta-Suche {f} | |
| biochem. alpha-isopropylmalate synthase | Alpha-Isopropylmalat-Synthase {f} | |
| stat. alpha error <α error> [type I error] | Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art] | |
| biochem. lipoic acid <LA> [C8H14O2S2] | Liponsäure {f} <LA> | |
| alpha <Α, α> [Greek letter] | Alpha {n} <Α, α> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| idiom mil. A for Alfa / Alpha [NATO phonetic alphabet] | A wie Alfa / Alpha [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| comp. alpha compositing <α-compositing, AC> | Alpha-Compositing {n} | |
| med. Alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency <A1AD> | Alpha-1-Antitrypsin-Mangel {m} <A1AD> | |
| biochem. maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein <MSAFP> | mütterliches Serum-Alpha-Fetoprotein {n} <MSAFP> | |
| biol. alpha motoneuron <α-motor neuron> | Alpha-Motoneuron {n} <α-Motoneuron> | |
| astron. phys. triple-alpha process <triple-α process, 3α process, 3-α process> | Drei-Alpha-Prozess {m} <3α-Prozess> | |
| alpha emission | Alpha-Emission {f} | |
| biochem. alpha-tropomyosin | Alpha-Tropomyosin {n} | |
| alpha-numeric {adj} | alphanumerisch | |
| chem. alpha acid | Alphasäure {f} | |
| drugs psych. alpha alcoholic | Problemtrinker {m} | |
| biol. alpha cells | Alphazellen {pl} | |
| phys. alpha emitter | Alphastrahler {m} | |
| biol. zool. alpha female | Alphaweibchen {n} | |
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