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English-German translation for: also
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Dictionary English German: also

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SYNO   also | as well | besides | likewise ... 
SYNO   also | danach | dementsprechend ... 
also {adv}
also {adv}
therefore {adv}
also [folglich]
so {adv} {conj}
also [folglich]
Well, ...
Also ...
anyway {adv}
also [jedenfalls]
also {adv} [moreover]
also {adv}
thus {adv}
also [somit, folgendermaßen]
also {adv}
ferner [außerdem]
Now, ... ?
Also, ... ?
also {adv}
mit [auch, ebenfalls]
also {adv}ooch [bes. berlinerisch: auch] [ugs.]
also {adv}des weiteren [alt] [geh.]
also {adv}des Weiteren [geh.]
also {adv}noch dazu
also {conj}und auch
Honestly! [annoyed]Also wirklich!
to bask [also fig.]sich sonnen [auch fig.]
2 Words: Others
after all {adv}also doch
All right.Also gut.
All right.Also schön.
also changed {adj}mitgeändert
also managedmitverwaltet
also thereauch dabei
and also {conj}sowie
and alsound ebenso
and so {adv} {conj}also
Fair enough!Also gut, meinetwegen! [ugs.]
Now really!Also bitte! [rügend]
now thennun also
OK then.Also gut.
Remember also, ...Man bedenke auch, dass ...
Remember also, ...Man darf auch nicht vergessen, dass ...
see alsosiehe auch <s. a.>
So shoot! [coll.]Also schieß los! [ugs.]
that is {adv}also [erklärend, zusammenfassend]
thus spake [archaic]also sprach [bibl., literar.]
Um, well, ...Äh, also, ...
Very well.Also gut.
Well now, ...Also, ...
Well, actually ...Ja, also eigentlich ...
idiom You see? [meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction]Na also! [auch: Na, also!] [Siehst du wohl! Es geht doch!]
2 Words: Nouns
also-ran [coll.]Verlierer {m}
also-ran [coll.] [fig.]erfolgloser Kandidat {m}
equest. also-ran [coll.] [horse racing]erfolgloses Rennpferd {n}
3 Words: Others
All right, then.Also gut.
also known assonst genannt
also known as {adv} <aka>aka [alias]
also known as {adv} <aka>alias
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A 2024-09-17: Also given in percent.
A 2024-08-07: @RedRufus: creeper - Kriecher im dict als "Allgemeinbegriff", also ohne ...
A 2024-05-12: Das könnte dem "Rastplatz" entsprechen, also dem für z. B. Wanderer, nicht...
A 2024-02-13: not necessarily a company, also a sole trader
A 2024-02-06: There is also cloudy cider, not just the clear version.
A 2023-11-24: I also ...
A 2023-11-17: The words “SYNO Intimbereich | Intimsphäre” below should also be deleted....
A 2023-07-17: Also keep rats and mice at bay!
A 2023-07-12: Also besser: +Ausrichten der Vorderräder mit Auswuchten der Reifen+
A 2023-05-03: Also auf gut Bayerisch: Gspinnertes ;-)
A 2023-04-28: "bar-room politician" is also already in dict.cc.
Q 2023-04-26: The English side – you should specify the country. Also check the apostrophe.
A 2023-04-17: Ich bin am ehesten für die "Numeral"-Lösung, also kein Class.
A 2023-04-15: But also +elenchus > review, refutation+
A 2023-04-13: Also haben wir heute in einem etwas über Krabben und treffende Wortwahl ge...
A 2023-04-12: Some more context. After all, there is also a fiscal aspect.
A 2023-04-07: Yes, informally also just +ice+
A 2023-04-01: Danke, timfefe. Es ist also im EN eine Redewendung. Muss man aber in Klamm...
A 2023-03-29: +Geschichtle+ might well be worth an entry if you also include, for instan...
A 2023-03-24: Also, was ist denn jetzt mit diesen Einträgen?

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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