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English-German translation for: altbackenes Brot
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Dictionary English German: altbackenes Brot

Translation 1 - 50 of 134  >>

NOUN1   das altbackene Brot/ein altbackenes Brot [Brotlaib] | die altbackenen Brote
NOUN2   das altbackene Brot/[ohne Artikel] altbackenes Brot [Substanz] | -
gastr. stale breadaltbackenes Brot {n}
Partial Matches
bot. T
FoodInd. gastr. breadBrot {n}
living [livelihood]Brot {n} [fig.]
without bread {adv}ohne Brot
gastr. to bake breadBrot backen
gastr. to make breadBrot backen
to break breadBrot brechen
gastr. to butter breadBrot buttern
to cut breadBrot schneiden
gastr. cob [Br.] [bread](rundes) Brot {n}
gastr. stale breadaltes Brot {n}
FoodInd. gastr. slightly mouldy bread [Br.]angeschimmeltes Brot {n}
gastr. open-faced sandwich [Am.]belegtes Brot {n}
gastr. sandwichbelegtes Brot {n}
gastr. dark breaddunkles Brot {n}
a little bit of breadetwas Brot {n}
gastr. baguettefranzösisches Brot {n}
gastr. French breadfranzösisches Brot {n}
gastr. new breadfrisches Brot {n}
gastr. breadcrumbs {pl}geriebenes Brot {n}
gastr. leavened breadgesäuertes Brot {n}
mycol. Indian bread [Poria cocos]Indisches Brot {n}
gastr. loaf of bread [round]Laib {m} Brot
gastr. naan bread [Indian cuisine]Naan-Brot {n}
gastr. slice of breadScheibe {f} Brot
gastr. home-baked breadselbstgebackenes Brot {n}
FoodInd. gastr. brick-oven-baked breadsteinofengebackenes Brot {n}
gastr. chunk of breadStück {n} Brot
gastr. piece of breadStück {n} Brot
gastr. scrap of breadStückchen {n} Brot
daily breadtägliches Brot {n}
gastr. sodden breadteigiges Brot {n}
gastr. matzoungesäuertes Brot {n}
gastr. unleavened breadungesäuertes Brot {n}
bot. T
gastr. loaf [of bread]Brot {n} [Laib, Wecken]
Bread is going up (in price).Brot wird teurer.
idiom to make one's breadsein Brot verdienen
idiom to win one's breadsein Brot verdienen
to crumble one's breadsein Brot verkrümeln
to ask for breadum Brot betteln
to beg one's breadum Brot betteln
gastr. bran breadBrot {n} mit Kleie
bibl. loaves and fishesBrot und Fische
the daily breaddas tägliche Brot {n}
gastr. doorstep [extra-thick slice of bread] [hum.]dicke Scheibe {f} Brot
gastr. hunch of breaddicke Scheibe {f} Brot
gastr. hunk of breaddicke Scheibe {f} Brot
gastr. spelt walnut breadDinkel-Walnuss-Brot {n}
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