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English-German translation for: alter Schule
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Dictionary English German: alter Schule

Translation 1 - 50 of 601  >>

of the old school {adj}alter Schule [nachgestellt]
old-fashioned {adj} [old-style]alter Schule [nachgestellt]
old-school {adj}alter Schule [nachgestellt]
Keywords contained
old-style {adj}nach alter Schule [nachgestellt]
Partial Matches
art philos. acad. group [of artists, philosophers etc.]Schule {f}
educ. schoolSchule {f}
educ. publ. tutor [book]-schule {f} [Lehrbuch]
educ. seminarySchule {f} [fig.]
archi. educ. schoolhouseSchule {f} [Gebäude]
to cut school [Am.]Schule schwänzen
to jig [Aus.] [skip school]Schule schwänzen
idiom to play the kip [Scot.]Schule schwänzen
to play truantSchule schwänzen
games to play schoolSchule spielen
educ. school of general educationallgemeinbildende Schule {f}
old stylealte Schule {f}
educ. approved schoolanerkannte Schule {f}
educ. recognized schoolanerkannte Schule {f}
affiliated schoolangegliederte Schule {f}
acad. hist. Annales school / School [school of French historiography]Annales-Schule {f}
hist. philos. Attic Schoolattische Schule {f}
educ. vocational schoolberufsbildende Schule {f}
educ. self-governing schooleigenverantwortliche Schule {f}
philos. Eleatic schoolEleatische Schule {f}
hist. philos. Erlangen SchoolErlanger Schule {f}
philos. Frankfurt SchoolFrankfurter Schule {f}
econ. Freiburg SchoolFreiburger Schule {f}
educ. co-ed school [coll.]gemischte Schule {f}
co-educational institutiongemischte Schule {f}
coed school [coll.]gemischte Schule {f}
philos. Hegelian schoolhegelianische Schule {f}
equest. sports classical dressageHohe Schule {f}
equest. sports classical dressagehohe Schule {f}
equest. haute écolehohe Schule {f}
educ. (upper) secondary schoolhöhere Schule {f}
educ. collegehöhere Schule {f}
collegiate schoolhöhere Schule {f}
high schoolhöhere Schule {f}
educ. seminary [dated] [college]höhere Schule {f}
hist. philos. Ionian schoolionische Schule {f}
hist. young historical school [also: Young Historical School] [19th. cent. German historical group]junghistorische Schule {f}
hist. philos. Cyrenian schoolkyrenaische Schule {f}
econ. Manchester SchoolManchester-Schule {f}
mus. Mannheim SchoolMannheimer Schule {f}
art Munich SchoolMünchner Schule {f}
mus. Neapolitan SchoolNeapolitanische Schule {f}
mus. New German SchoolNeudeutsche Schule {f}
independent schoolnichtöffentliche Schule {f}
educ. public school [Am.]öffentliche Schule {f}
educ. state schoolöffentliche Schule {f}
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