| English  | German |  |
 | although {conj} | 16378 obwohl |  |
 | although {conj} | 2219 obgleich |  |
 | although {conj} | 756 wenngleich |  |
 | although {conj} | 625 obschon [geh.] |  |
 | although {conj} | 463 wiewohl [geh.] |  |
 | although {conj} | 402 obzwar [geh.] |  |
 | although {conj} | 388 trotzdem [ugs.] |  |
 | although {adv} | 119 wobei [ugs.] [obwohl] |  |
 | although {conj} | 58 gleichwohl [selten, noch regional] |  |
 | although {conj} | 11 wennschon [selten] [obwohl, wenngleich] |  |
 | although {conj} | 5 wennzwar [seltener] |  |
 | although {conj} | aber dafür |  |
 | although {conj} | auch wenn |  |
 | although {conj} | dafür aber |  |
 | although {conj} | wenn auch |  |
2 Words |
 | for although {conj} | denn obwohl |  |
3 Words |
 | although already employed | obwohl bereits beschäftigt |  |
 | although constantly expanding ... | trotz ständiger Neuerschließungen ... |  |
5+ Words |
 | Unverified (Please) give her / him my regards although I don't know her / him! | Grüße sie / ihn unbekannterweise von mir! |  |
 | Although he is nothing to me ... | Obwohl er mir nichts bedeutet ... |  |
 | Although he says so little ... | Obwohl er so wenig sagt ... |  |
 | Although it may seem absurd ... | Obwohl es vielleicht absurd scheint ... |  |
 | Although it was a great success ... | Obwohl es ein großer Erfolg war ... |  |
 | Although it was rather late ... | Obwohl es ziemlich spät war ... |  |
 | Although we are very reluctant to do so... | Obwohl es uns sehr widerstrebt, ... |  |
 | Although we grew up together, ... | Obgleich wir gemeinsam aufwuchsen, ... |  |
 | Give him / her my regards, although we haven't met. | Grüßen Sie ihn / sie unbekannterweise (von mir). |  |
 | quote I am not gay, although I wish I were, just to piss off homophobes. [Kurt Cobain] | Ich bin nicht schwul, obwohl ich es gerne wäre, bloß um Leute mit Schwulenparanoia zu ärgern. [Übs. Clara Drechsler] |  |

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Forum A 2021-05-09: Although I do not think a reader ought to know ... just because it is a ni... A 2020-02-23: Although letter plate is the 'official' term, A 2018-10-21: Although suggesting (or even prescribing) recipes might be suitable for so... Q 2017-06-19: "Although he does not ... he does not" ? Am I missing something here? A 2016-09-23: Tenorhorn > +(German n.) tenor horn although the term sometimes denotes th... Q 2016-05-12: Why do adverbial constructions work, where and although they sound not onl... A 2015-12-16: Perhaps Bergung is colloquially used like that and it would work for this ... A 2015-10-08: *On second thoughts, it should be better to use future tense although pres... A 2015-09-15: I agree with uffie, although I don't have a problem with the tenses. A 2015-09-15: I read it slightly differently, although it might not affect the translation :-) A 2015-08-21: BE likes these 's's (although they aren't compulsory) ;-) A 2015-07-22: Although someone did translate your post earlier, A 2015-07-12: These days, I think it is generally used for non-financial acts of kindnes... A 2015-06-06: 8th May - BE May 8th - AE (although this can be used in BE as well) A 2015-04-12: Although the protagonists in the course of the disease stray more and more... A 2015-03-18: I would repeat +to,+ although it's not compulsory. A 2014-10-20: Although the past perfect exists for a reason, A 2014-10-03: Yes, although kanonirt isn't literally/grammatically cannon fire (as I'm s... A 2014-09-18: The endings now right, although I would say +not kept a back door open,+ A 2014-09-09: Although I generally agree with FogFinderFox's description,
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