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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: amend
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Dictionary English German: amend

Translation 1 - 46 of 46

English German
VERB  to amend | amended | amended ... 
SYNO   to amend | to rectify | to remediate ... 
to amend sth. [modify]
etw. abändern
to amend sth.
etw. berichtigen
to amend
to amend sth. [by addition]
etw.Akk. ergänzen
pol. to amend sth. [law]
etw. novellieren
to amend sth. [modify]
etw. ändern [Gesetze, Vorschriften, Verträge etc.]
to amend
to amend sth.
etw. korrigieren [ändern, abändern]
to amend
to amend
to amend
nachbessern [Gesetz etc.]
to amend
to amend
to amend
to amendsich bessern
to amendwieder gutmachen [alt]
2 Words: Verbs
to amend errorsFehler berichtigen
EU law to amend sth. substantiallyetw. in wesentlichen Teilen ändern [entscheidend ändern]
3 Words: Verbs
to amend a copyeine Kopie abändern
to amend a creditein Akkreditiv ändern
to amend a documentein Dokument berichtigen
to amend a faulteinen Fehler ausbessern
insur. to amend a policyeine Police abändern
to amend a resolutioneinen Beschluss korrigieren
law to amend a sentenceein Urteil ändern [berichtigen]
to amend a texteinen Text ändern
to amend an accountein Konto richtigstellen
to amend current lawsgültige Gesetze ändern
to amend one's appointmentsseine Termine ändern
to amend one's behaviour [Br.]sein Benehmen bessern
to amend the billdas Gesetz verbessern
to amend the budgetdas Budget ändern
fin. to amend the budgetden Haushalt berichtigen
to amend the constitutiondie Verfassung ändern
to amend the contractden Vertrag ändern [ergänzen, nachbessern]
law to amend the lawdas Gesetz ändern
law to amend the lawdas Gesetz verbessern
to amend the legislationdie Gesetzgebung ändern
to amend the ruledie Vorschrift ändern
to amend the wrongdas Unrecht wiedergutmachen
to amend the wrongdas Unrecht wieder gutmachen [alt]
to seek to amendÄnderung anstreben
3 Words: Nouns
law law to amend [an existing law]Abänderungsgesetz {n}
5+ Words: Others
We are returning your statement and would request you to amend it.Wir schicken Ihre Abrechnung mit der Bitte um Korrektur zurück. [kontextspezifisch]
5+ Words: Verbs
to amend one's way of livingseinen Lebensstil bessern
to resolve to amend our livesbeschließen unser Leben zu ändern
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A 2015-01-22: to amend a treaty - amendment of a treaty - treaty amendment
A 2014-08-04: either change to statue of l. and amend the German side or delete
A 2010-06-02: Easier to amend the English than solve your problem
A 2010-01-24: overhaul the system, review, amend, alter...
A 2010-01-14: I'd use something in the sense of "re-structuring" the entire transaction ...
A 2009-08-02: If you amend your last suggestion to read +controlling company+ I should t...
A 2008-10-22: Tks Joanne, I'll amend the entry.
A 2008-04-21: http://www.google.com/search?hl=de&rlz=1B2GGGL_deAT202AT202&q=%22motion+to...
A 2006-11-14: whoops....thanks...must amend and note...
Q 2004-08-29: XX, please amend criteria as appropriate

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• amend
amend a copy
amend a credit
amend a document
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amend an account
amend a policy
amend a resolution
amend a sentence
amend a text

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