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English-German translation for: anaesthesia
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Dictionary English German: anaesthesia

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
NOUN   anaesthesia | -
SYNO   anaesthesia | anesthesia
med. anaesthesia [Br.]
Narkose {f}
med. anaesthesia [Br.]
Betäubung {f}
med. anaesthesia [Br.]
Anästhesie {f}
anaesthesia [Br.]Empfindungslosigkeit {f}
2 Words: Others
med. anaesthesia approved {adj} <AP> [Br.]anästhesiegeprüft [Medizinprodukte]
med. anaesthesia-induced {adj} [Br.]Anästhetika-induziert
med. VetMed. under anaesthesia {adj} {adv} [Br.] [postpos.]narkotisiert
2 Words: Nouns
med. anaesthesia apparatus [Br.]Narkoseapparat {m}
MedTech. anaesthesia equipment [Br.]Anästhesieausrüstung {f}
MedTech. anaesthesia needle [Br.]Anästhesienadel {f}
med. anaesthesia nursing [Br.]Anästhesiepflege {f}
MedTech. anaesthesia procedure [Br.]Anästhesie-Verfahren {n}
MedTech. anaesthesia screen [Br.]Anästhesiebogen {m}
MedTech. anaesthesia screen [Br.]Narkosebogen {m}
MedTech. anaesthesia screen [Br.]Narkosegalgen {m} [veraltend]
dent. med. anaesthesia success [Br.]Anästhesieerfolg {m}
med. basal anaesthesia [Br.]Basisnarkose {f}
med. basal anaesthesia [Br.]Einleitungsnarkose {f}
MedTech. cardiac anaesthesia [Br.]Kardioanästhesie {f}
med. caudal anaesthesia [Br.]Kaudalanästhesie {f}
med. conductive anaesthesia [Br.]Leitungsanästhesie {f}
dent. dental anaesthesia [Br.]Dentalanästhesie {f}
dent. dental anaesthesia [Br.]Zahnbetäubung {f}
med. endotracheal anaesthesia [Br.]Intubationsnarkose {f}
med. epidural (anaesthesia) <EDA> [Br.]Epiduralanästhesie {f} <EDA>
med. epidural (anaesthesia) <EDA> [Br.]Kreuzstich {m} [bes. österr.] [nicht fachspr.]
med. ether anaesthesia [Br.]Äthernarkose {f}
med. extradural anaesthesia [Br.]Extraduralanästhesie {f}
med. general anaesthesia [Br.]Allgemeinanästhesie {f}
med. inhalation anaesthesia [Br.]Inhalationsnarkose {f}
med. inhalational anaesthesia [Br.]Inhalationsnarkose {f}
med. injection anaesthesia [Br.]Injektionsanästhesie {f}
MedTech. intercostal anaesthesia [Br.]Interkostalanästhesie {f}
med. intradural anaesthesia [Br.]Intraduralanästhesie {f}
dent. intraligamentary anaesthesia [Br.]intraligamentäre Anästhesie {f}
dent. intraligamentary anaesthesia [Br.]intraligamentäre Betäubung {f}
med. intravenous anaesthesia [Br.]intravenöse Narkose {f}
VetMed. isoflurane anaesthesia [Br.]Isoflurannarkose {f} [auch: Isofluran-Narkose]
med. local anaesthesia [Br.]Lokalanästhesie {f}
med. local anaesthesia [Br.]lokale Anästhesie {f}
med. local anaesthesia [Br.]örtliche Betäubung {f}
med. lumbar anaesthesia [Br.]Lumbalanästhesie {f}
dent. mandibular anaesthesia [Br.]Mandibularanästhesie {f}
med. medullary anaesthesia [Br.]medulläre Anästhesie {f}
med. mucosal anaesthesia [Br.]Schleimhautanästhesie {f}
med. peridural anaesthesia <PDA> [Br.]Periduralanästhesie {f} <PDA>
med. plexus anaesthesia [Br.]Plexusanästhesie {f}
med. regional anaesthesia [Br.]Regionalanästhesie {f}
MedTech. regional anaesthesia [Br.]regionale Anästhesie {f}
med. sacral anaesthesia [Br.]Sakralanästhesie {f}
med. short anaesthesia [Br.]Kurznarkose {f}
med. spinal anaesthesia [Br.]Spinalanästhesie {f}
med. spinal anaesthesia [Br.]Spinalnarkose {f}
med. surface anaesthesia [Br.]Oberflächenanästhesie {f}
med. terminal anaesthesia [Br.]Terminalanästhesie {f}
med. topical anaesthesia [Br.]Oberflächenanästhesie {f}
med. tumescence anaesthesia [Br.]Tumeszenzanästhesie {f}
3 Words: Verbs
med. to emerge from anaesthesia [Br.]aus der Narkose erwachen
med. to wake from anaesthesia [Br.]aus der Narkose erwachen
3 Words: Nouns
med. brachial plexus anaesthesia <BPA> [Br.]Armplexusanästhesie {f}
dent. laughing gas anaesthesia [Br.]Lachgasnarkose {f}
med. low-flow anaesthesia [Br.]Niedrigflussnarkose {f}
med. National Anaesthesia Day [Br.] [October 16]Weltanästhesietag {m} [16. Oktober]
med. saddle block anaesthesia [Br.]Reithosenanästhesie {f}
med. saddle block anaesthesia [Br.]Sattelblock {m}
dent. single-tooth anaesthesia <STA> [Br.]Einzelzahnanästhesie {f}
med. total intravenous anaesthesia <TIVA> [Br.]totale intravenöse Anästhesie {f} <TIVA>
med. World Anaesthesia Day [Br.] [October 16]Weltanästhesietag {m} [16. Oktober]
4 Words: Nouns
med. post-anaesthesia care unit <PACU> [Br.]Aufwachraum {m} <AWR>
dent. syringe for intraligamentary anaesthesia [Br.]intraligamentäre Spritze {f}
5+ Words: Nouns
med. dissociative anaesthesia and sensory loss [Br.] [ICD-10, F44.6]dissoziative Sensibilitäts- und Empfindungsstörungen {pl} [ICD-10, F44.6]
educ. med. special training in anaesthesia-related nursing [Br.]Sonderausbildung {f} in der Anästhesiepflege
MedTech. to-and-fro anaesthesia system [Br.]Pendelatmungssystem {n}
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A 2015-06-03: ? reversal of anaesthesia ?
A 2010-02-09: Good doctors would (and bloody well should) make a point of distinguishing...
A 2008-02-17: local anaesthesia (US: anesth.) \ Reposition > reduction etc. \ Reposition...

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