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English-German translation for: analogie
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Dictionary English German: analogie

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

NOUN   die Analogie | die Analogien
SYNO   Analogie | Gleichartigkeit ... 
Analogie {f}
Analogie {f}
2 Words
audio phys. acoustic analogyakustische Analogie {f}
psych. computer analogyComputer-Analogie {f}
3 Words
by analogy {adv}in Analogie dazu
by analogy with {prep}in Analogie zu [+Dat.]
on the analogy of {prep}in Analogie zu [+Dat.]
in analogy to sth. {adv}in Analogie zu etw.Dat.
5+ Words
to draw an analogy (between A and B)eine Analogie (zwischen A und B) herstellen
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analoge Übertragung
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• Analogie

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