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English-German translation for: analytical
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Dictionary English German: analytical

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
ADJ   analytical | more analytical | most analytical
SYNO   analytic | analytical
analytical {adj}
analytical {adj}
2 Words: Others
chem. geol. mineral analytical {adj}mineralanalytisch
pre-analytical {adj}präanalytisch
2 Words: Nouns
rhet. (analytical) exposition(analytische) Exposition {f} [Erklärung]
analytical abilityAnalysefähigkeit {f}
acad. analytical approachAnalyseansatz {m}
analytical balanceAnalysenwaage {f}
analytical capacityAnalysekapazität {f}
analytical categoryAnalysekategorie {f}
analytical center [Am.]Analysezentrum {n}
analytical centre [Br.]Analysezentrum {n}
chem. jobs analytical chemistanalytischer Chemiker {m}
chem. jobs analytical chemist [female]analytische Chemikerin {f}
chem. analytical chemistryanalytische Chemie {f}
art Analytical Cubismanalytischer Kubismus {m}
analytical dataAnalysedaten {pl}
analytical documentAnalysedokument {n}
comp. hist. analytical engine [Babbage]analytische Maschine {f}
analytical entryanalytische Eintragung {f}
analytical estimatinganalytische Zeitschätzung {f}
analytical explosionanalytische Auflösung {f}
math. analytical formulaanalytische Formel {f}
analytical functionAnalysefunktion {f}
analytical functionAnalysenfunktion {f}
math. analytical functionanalytische Funktion {f}
math. analytical geometryanalytische Geometrie {f}
ling. analytical grammaranalytische Grammatik {f}
analytical instrumentAnalyseinstrument {n}
analytical investigationanalytische Untersuchung {f}
chem. analytical lab [coll.]Analyselabor {n}
analytical laboratoryAnalyselabor {n}
acad. analytical methodAnalysemethode {f}
analytical methodAnalyseverfahren {n}
analytical mindanalytischer Geist {m}
analytical mindanalytischer Verstand {m}
acad. analytical modelAnalysemodell {n}
analytical modeling <AM> [Am.]analytische Modellierung {f}
analytical modelling <AM> [esp. Br.]analytische Modellierung {f}
chem. tech. analytical procedureAnalysenverfahren {f}
analytical procedureAnalyseverfahren {n}
tech. analytical procedureanalytisches Verfahren {n}
analytical processAnalyseprozess {m}
analytical processAnalyseverfahren {n}
analytical processanalytischer Prozess {m}
analytical processanalytisches Verfahren {n}
psych. analytical psychologyAnalytische Psychologie {f} <A.P.>
analytical purposesAnalysezwecke {pl}
analytical reagentanalytischer Reagenzstoff {m}
analytical reportAnalysebericht {m}
analytical reportAnalysenbericht {m}
acad. analytical resultAnalyseergebnis {n}
chem. med. QM analytical sampleAnalysenprobe {f}
chem. med. QM analytical sensitivityanalytische Sensitivität {f}
analytical skillAnalysefähigkeit {f}
educ. jobs analytical skillsanalytische Fähigkeiten {pl}
med. QM analytical specificityanalytische Spezifität {f}
acad. analytical studyanalytische Studie {f}
analytical studyanalytische Untersuchung {f}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueAnalysetechnik {f} [Analyseverfahren]
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueAnalyseverfahren {n}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueanalytische Methode {f}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueanalytische Technik {f}
biol. chem. tech. analytical techniqueanalytisches Verfahren {n}
acad. philos. analytical thinkinganalytisches Denken {n}
analytical toolAnalyseinstrument {n}
analytical toolAnalysewerkzeug {n}
analytical traininganalytisches Training {n}
3 Words: Others
for analytical purposes {adv}zu Analysezwecken
3 Words: Nouns
drugs sports adverse analytical finding <AAF>positiver Befund {m} [Anti-Doping-Regeln]
analytical job evaluationArbeitsplatzbewertung {f}
pharm. QM process analytical technology <PAT>prozessanalytische Technologie {f} <PAT>
4 Words: Nouns
non-analytical job evaluationsummarische Arbeitsplatzbewertung {f}
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A 2011-01-05: equivalent in analytical measurements means that although the active agent
Q 2010-02-19: avenues of analytical inquiry
A 2009-05-04: The analytical values are subject to biological fluctuations normally foun...
A 2008-03-11: all analytical models concerning charts have the assumption in common
A 2006-08-04: splitting hairs or being analytical?
Q 2005-05-22: analytical factor view

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