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English-German translation for: ancestral
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Dictionary English German: ancestral

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
SYNO   ancestral | hereditary | patrimonial ... 
ancestral {adj}
ancestral {adj}
ancestral {adj}
ancestral {adj} [e.g. castle, land, seat]
Stamm- [z. B. Burg, Land, Sitz (einer Adelsfamilie)]
ancestral {adj}
[die Vorfahren betreffend]
spec. ancestral {adj}anzestral
ancestral {adj}seiner / ihrer Vorfahren
2 Words: Nouns
archi. ancestral castleStammburg {f}
archi. ancestral castleStammveste {f} [veraltet] [Stammsitz]
ancestral chartAhnentafel {f}
ancestral chartStammbaum {m} [ugs. für: Ahnentafel]
ancestral estateBesitz {m} der Ahnen
ancestral estateHeimstatt {f} der Vorfahren
ancestral farmFarm {f} der Ahnen
art ethn. relig. ancestral figureAhnenfigur {f}
biol. ancestral formAhnenform {f}
ancestral groupAbstammungsgruppe {f}
ethn. relig. ancestral hallAhnenhalle {f}
ancestral hallLandsitz {m} der Ahnen
ancestral halls {pl} [with ancestral portraits]Ahnengalerie {f}
ancestral homeStammhaus {n} [genealogisch]
ancestral homelandStammland {n}
ancestral lineAhnenreihe {f}
ancestral mansionLandsitz {m} der Ahnen
ethn. ancestral maskAhnenmaske {f}
art ancestral portraitAhnenbild {n} [Porträt]
art ancestral portraitAhnenporträt {n}
ancestral prideAhnenstolz {m}
ancestral seatStammsitz {m} [Stammhaus einer Adelsfamilie]
relig. ancestral spiritVorfahrengeist {m}
relig. ancestral spiritsAhnengeister {pl}
archi. relig. ancestral templeAhnentempel {m}
ancestral villageHeimatdorf {n}
relig. ancestral worshipAhnenverehrung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
ancestral home / houseFamiliensitz {m} [seit Generationen]
ancestral portrait galleryAhnengalerie {f}
his ancestral villagedas Dorf {n} seiner Vorfahren
their ancestral landdas Land {n} ihrer Vorfahren [ihrer: 3. Pers. Plural]
4 Words: Verbs
to revert to ancestral traitszu den Spuren der Ahnen zurückkehren
4 Words: Nouns
gallery of ancestral portraitsAhnengalerie {f}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
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A 2009-02-25: My wife uses the words "my ancestral home"
A 2009-02-18: UK spelling: ancestral make-up
Q 2009-02-18: ancestral makeup
A 2008-12-25: I believe it refers to the ANCESTRAL house where he used to live as a chil...
A 2007-11-25: His +attempts+ to disclose the secret about his ancestry / ancestral line ...
A 2007-11-25: His attemps to disclose the secret about his +ancestry+ / +ancestral line+ ...

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• ancestral
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ancestral home

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