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English-German translation for: anchor
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Dictionary English German: anchor

Translation 1 - 50 of 197  >>

English German
NOUN   an anchor | anchors
VERB  to anchor | anchored | anchored ... 
SYNO   to anchor | to cast anchor ... 
sports anchor {adj} [attr.] [final stage of a relay race]
Schluss- [z. B. Schlussläufer]
to anchor sth. [ship etc.]
etw.Akk. verankern [Schiff etc.]
naut. to anchor
journ. RadioTV to anchor
constr. to anchor [e.g., in a wall]
verspreizen [z. B. in der Wand]
naut. to anchorvor Anker gehen
constr. naut. anchor
Anker {m}
RadioTV anchor [esp. Am.]
Moderator {m} [einer Nachrichtensendung]
RadioTV anchor
Chefsprecher {m}
climbing anchor
Fixpunkt {m}
anchor [fig.]
Zuflucht {f} [fig.]
RadioTV anchor [female] [esp. Am.]
Moderatorin {f} [einer Nachrichtensendung]
comm. anchor
Ankergeschäft {n} [Hauptgeschäft in einem Einkaufszentrum]
anchor [fig.]
Rettungsanker {m} [fig.]
climbing anchor [rock climbing]
Sicherungspunkt {m} [Fixpunkt]
2 Words: Others
naut. Anchor aweigh.Anker gelichtet. [Anker ist frei]
naut. at anchor {adv}vor Anker
2 Words: Verbs
naut. to cast anchorAnker werfen
naut. to cast anchorvor Anker gehen
naut. to cast anchor [dated]Anker setzen
naut. to drop anchorankern
naut. to drop anchorAnker werfen
naut. to drop anchorvor Anker gehen
naut. to heave anchorden Anker hieven
naut. to heave anchorden Anker lichten
naut. to hoist anchorAnker lichten
naut. to pull anchorden Anker lichten
naut. to up anchorden Anker lichten
naut. to weigh anchorden Anker lichten
2 Words: Nouns
naut. (anchor) rodeAnkerkette {f}
naut. (anchor) rodeAnkerleine {f}
naut. (ship's) anchorSchiffsanker {m}
additional anchorZusatzanker {m}
pol. anchor baby [pej.] [stateside born baby of undocumented migrants]Ankerkind {n} [abfällige Bezeichnung für ein in den USA geborenes Kind illegaler Zuwanderer]
naut. anchor ball [visual signal: ship at anchor]Ankerball {m}
constr. tech. anchor barVerankerungseisen {n}
Unverified anchor beard [beard style]Ankerbart {m} [Bartstil]
naut. anchor bendRoringstek {m} [Knoten]
anchor bodyAnkerkörper {m}
tech. anchor boltAnkerbolzen {m}
naut. anchor buoyAnkerboje {f}
naut. anchor cableAnkerkette {f}
naut. anchor cableAnkerseil {n} [Ankertau]
naut. anchor cableAnkertau {n}
anchor capacityAnkertragfähigkeit {f}
anchor capacityAnkertragkraft {f}
naut. anchor capstanAnkerspill {n}
spec. anchor center [Am.] [arrival center for asylum seekers in Germany]Ankerzentrum {n} [Aufnahmestelle für Asylbewerber in Deutschland]
naut. anchor chainAnkerkette {f}
constr. anchor channelAnkerschiene {f}
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A 2020-10-27: Fenstereisen (Bankeisen) > button; Bankeisen (Tür) > frame anchor \ +Banke...
A 2019-01-23: Anchor
A 2017-05-08: Zuchi or Zuchi1 or Zuchi876578? Multiple identities? Where does +Zuchi???+...
Q 2016-03-07: low/average/high anchor
A 2015-08-12: ... my house firm as a calm anchor stands
A 2013-04-08: Anchor butter: here's your story, Joanne
A 2013-04-08: And don't forget the urban legend that the special Anchor butter taste so ...
A 2012-12-15: http://canoo.net/services/GermanSpelling/Regeln/Getrennt-zusammen/Andere.h...
A 2012-08-16: Co-Moderator would be co-anchor or co-host
Q 2012-08-15: substitute anchor
A 2012-06-16: http://canoo.net/services/OnlineGrammar/InflectionRules/FRegeln-P/Pron-Pos...
A 2012-03-14: Shakespeare’sche Dramen http://canoo.net/services/GermanSpelling/Regeln/...
A 2010-10-28: anchor
Q 2010-05-04: Suchmaschinenoptimierung - was sind "anchor texts"?
A 2010-04-09: schwojen vor Anker: to swing at anchor
A 2009-12-21: The anchor word is the "Mechanismus".
A 2009-11-16: http://www.canoo.net/services/OnlineGrammar/Satz/Komplex/Funktion/Adverbia...
A 2009-09-30: setting up an anchor
Q 2009-09-28: to anchor
A 2009-03-20: http://www.canoo.net/services/GermanSpelling/Regeln/Gross-klein/Eigennamen...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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