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Dictionary English German: animals

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NOUN   an animal | animals
zool. animals
Tiere {pl}
animals {pl}
Getier {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to acclimate animals [Am.]Tiere eingewöhnen
zool. to classify animalsTiere einordnen
agr. to graze animalsTiere weiden lassen
to hay (animals) [rare] [feed with hay](Tiere) mit Heu füttern
agr. to herd animalsTiere treiben
to keep animalsTiere halten
to raise animalsTiere aufziehen
to raise animalsTiere züchten
2 Words: Nouns
orn. zool. altricial animalsNesthocker {pl}
zool. ammonotelic animalsammoniotelische Tiere {pl}
animals' homeTierheim {n}
animals' hospitalTierhospital {n}
zool. aquatic animalsWassertiere {pl}
zool. caged animalsTiere {pl} in Gefangenschaft
zool. captive animalsin Gefangenschaft gehaltene Tiere {pl}
zool. dangerous animalsgefährliche Tiere {pl}
zool. desert animalsWüstentiere {pl}
zool. diurnal animalstagaktive Tiere {pl}
zool. domestic animalsHaustiere {pl}
draft animals [Am.]Zugtiere {pl}
draught animals [Br.]Zugtiere {pl}
dumb animalsdumme und unvernünftige Tiere {pl}
ecol. zool. endangered animalsvom Aussterben bedrohte Tiere {pl}
agr. farm animalsBauernhoftiere {pl}
agr. farm animalsFarmtiere {pl}
agr. farm animalsNutztiere {pl}
zool. feral animalsfrei lebende Tiere {pl}
zool. forest animalsWaldtiere {pl}
hunting game animals {pl}Haarwild {n}
agr. grazing animalsWeidetiere {pl}
agr. grazing animals [activity]Viehweiden {n}
agr. grazing animals {pl}Weidevieh {n}
biol. zool. hibernating animalsWinterschläfer {pl}
zool. higher animalshöhere Tierarten {pl}
zool. higher animalshöhere Tiere {pl}
zool. higher animalshöherentwickelte Tiere {pl}
zool. individual animalsEinzeltiere {pl}
live animalslebende Tiere {pl}
zool. lower animalsniedere Tiere {pl}
marine animals {pl} [collectively]Meeresgetier {n}
zool. mother animalsMuttertiere {pl}
biol. multicellular animals [metazoans]Vielzeller {pl} [Metazoen]
biol. multicellular animals [metazoans]vielzellige Tiere {pl} [Metazoen]
zool. nocturnal animalsnachtaktive Tiere {pl}
zool. pack animalsRudeltiere {pl}
zool. precocial animalsNestflüchter {pl}
hunting zool. predatory animals {pl} [esp. stray dogs, cats]Raubzeug {n} [nur sing.] [bes. wildernde Hunde und Katzen]
prepared animals [stuffed]präparierte Tiere {pl}
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A 2023-06-08: Children books often depict animals doing human things.
A 2022-11-18: Prepositional phrases and phrasal prepositions are two different animals
Q 2021-02-25: were that all the animals
A 2020-12-01: In Miami, there lives a thousand animals.
A 2018-11-01: When talking about animals, it would be used:
A 2018-10-26: "animat, a term defining artificial animals, which can be virtual simulati...
Q 2018-10-20: animals ascend vs ascend animals
A 2018-06-04: (very) small animals
A 2018-06-03: https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw=1101&bih=598&ei=EjwUW-O7NIuv6ATdiqjQDg...
Q 2018-01-02: A useful video for learnig sounds that animals make in german:
A 2017-05-07: Alternatives: Owning pet animals is getting more expensive. Or "Keeping ...."
A 2016-12-29: Properly speaking, +between+ is about two people, animals or things
A 2016-12-10: "non-human animals" ist ein wissenschaftlicher Begriff
Q 2016-11-16: Seen these shocking instances of Australian cruelty to animals? Any comments?
A 2016-08-01: I don't understand it either. Instead, you can find the names of animals a...
A 2016-06-30: https://www.google.co.uk/#q=%22Some+animals+have+become+extinct%22&start=50
Q 2016-03-14: groups of animals
A 2016-01-12: With working animal, I was thinking more of other animals, rather than jus...
A 2016-01-12: Yes, cats, dogs and all farm animals are domesticated,
A 2015-09-20: Things, animals, name person.

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