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English-German translation for: anomaly of taste
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Dictionary English German: anomaly of taste

Translation 1 - 50 of 64513  >>

biol. med. anomaly of tasteGeschmacksanomalie {f}
Partial Matches
med. central nervous system anomaly <CNS anomaly>Anomalie {f} des zentralen Nervensystems <ZNS-Anomalie>
med. anomaly of refractionRefraktionsanomalie {f}
anomaly of temperatureungewohnte Temperatur {f}
phys. anomaly of waterAnomalie {f} des Wassers
med. anomaly of placental separationPlazentalösungsstörung {f}
to taste (of / like)schmecken (nach / wie)
catholicity of tasteÜbereinstimmung {f} des Geschmacks
art lit. mus. formation of tasteGeschmacksbildung {f}
history of tasteGeschmacksgeschichte {f}
philos. judgment of tasteGeschmacksurteil {n} [bes. I. Kant]
lapse of tasteGeschmacksverirrung {f}
loss of tasteGeschmacksmangel {m}
man of tasteMann {m} mit Geschmack
matter of tasteGeschmacksache {f}
matter of tasteGeschmacksfrage {f}
matter of tasteGeschmackssache {f}
matter of tasteSache {f} des Geschmacks
matter of tasteSache {f} des persönlichen Geschmacks
organ of tasteGeschmacksorgan {n}
question of tasteGeschmacksfrage {f}
question of tasteGeschmackssache {f}
sense of tasteGeschmack {m}
sense of tasteGeschmackssinn {m}
gastr. taste of cherryKirschgeschmack {m}
gastr. taste of hopsHopfengeschmack {m}
FoodInd. taste of lemonZitronengeschmack {m}
mus. taste of musicMusikgeschmack {m}
taste of onionsZwiebelgeschmack {m}
of doubtful taste {adj} [postpos.]von zweifelhaftem Geschmack [nachgestellt]
of a clear tasterein schmeckend
arbiter of good tasteArbiter Elegantiae {m}
arbiter of good tasteArbiter Elegantiarum {m}
instance of bad tasteBeispiel {n} schlechten Geschmacks
gastr. taste of its ownEigengeschmack {m}
art lit. mus. taste of the timeZeitgeschmack {m}
perception of taste [taste perception]Geschmacksempfinden {n} [oder: Geschmacksempfindung]
to get a taste of sth.in etw.Akk. hineinschnuppern [ugs.]
gastr. to have a taste of sth.etw.Akk. probieren [Essen]
to have a taste of sth.etw. zu schmecken bekommen [auch fig.]
What does it taste of?Wonach schmeckt es?
purely a matter of tastereine Geschmacksache {f}
the boundaries of good tastedie Grenzen {pl} des guten Geschmacks
film F Taste of Fear [Seth Holt]Ein Toter spielt Klavier
to be in the worst of tastevöllig geschmacklos sein
lit. F The Taste of Innocence [Stephanie Laurens]Sturm der Verführung
film F The Taste of Others [Agnès Jaoui]Lust auf Anderes
to develop one's sense of taste [literary]seinen Geschmack entwickeln
to overstep the bounds of good taste [idiom]die Grenzen des guten Geschmacks überschreiten [Redewendung]
film F Taste the Blood of Dracula [Peter Sasdy]Wie schmeckt das Blut von Dracula? / [DVD-Titel] Das Blut von Dracula
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