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English-German translation for: ans Telefon gehen
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Dictionary English German: ans Telefon gehen

Translation 1 - 50 of 1507  >>

VERB   ans Telefon gehen | ging ans Telefon/ans Telefon ging | ans Telefon gegangen
SYNO   Anruf entgegennehmen ... 
telecom. to answer a callans Telefon gehen
to answer the phoneans Telefon gehen
to answer the telephoneans Telefon gehen
telecom. to pick up the phoneans Telefon gehen
to answer the phoneans Telefon rangehen [ugs.]
Partial Matches
telecom. to get sb. on the blower [idiom] [coll.] [Br.] [Aus.]jdn. ans Telefon holen
to call sb. to the phonejdn. ans Telefon rufen
to call sb. to the telephonejdn. ans Telefon rufen
to get sb. (to come) to the phonejdn. ans Telefon rufen
to get on the phone [coll.]sich ans Telefon hängen [ugs.]
to get on the phone [coll.]sich ans Telefon klemmen [ugs.]
Tell him he's wanted on the phone.Er soll mal eben ans Telefon kommen.
to go to the limitans Limit gehen
to cut to the quick [idiom]ans Herz gehen [Redewendung]
sports to go up to the netans Netz gehen [Tennis]
Unverified to draw on one's reservesans Eingemachte gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
electr. to go on stream [power station]ans Netz gehen [E-Werk]
to hit sb. in the wallet [idiom]jdm. ans Portemonnaie gehen [Redewendung]
to capture sb.'s heart [movie, story]jdm. ans Herz gehen [Film, Geschichte]
to get (straight) down to the nitty-gritty [coll.] [idiom](direkt) ans Eingemachte gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to grieve sb. deeplyjdm. (sehr) ans Herz gehen [fig.]
to go on line [utility]ans Netz gehen [Versorgungsunternehmen: in Betrieb gehen]
to get to work [idiom] [start working on sth.]ans Werk gehen [sich an die Arbeit machen]
tech. to come on line [coll.](neu) ans Netz gehen [ugs.] [in Betrieb gehen]
telecom. telecom {adj}Telefon-
telecom. telephone {adj} [attr.]Telefon-
telecom. phoneTelefon {n}
film F Telefon [Don Siegel]Telefon
telecom. telephone <tel.>Telefon {n} <Tel.>
on the blower {adv} [idiom] [coll.] [Br.] [Aus.]am Telefon
telecom. on the phone {adv}am Telefon
telecom. by phone {adv}per Telefon
telecom. by telephone {adv}per Telefon
tapped phoneangezapftes Telefon {n}
telephone (receiver) off the hookausgehängtes Telefon {n}
telecom. city telephoneörtliches Telefon {n}
hist. pol. Moscow-Washington hotlineRotes Telefon {n}
hist. pol. red telephoneRotes Telefon {n}
telecom. cordless [cordless telephone]schnurloses Telefon {n}
telecom. cordless phoneschnurloses Telefon {n}
telecom. cordless telephoneschnurloses Telefon {n}
telephone flexTelefon-Anschlussschnur {f}
telecom. phone hackerTelefon-Hacker {m}
telecom. phone hackingTelefon-Hacking {n}
telecom. telephone information lineTelefon-Infoline {f}
automatic dial exchangeTelefon-Selbstwähldienst {m}
phone keypadTelefon-Tastenfeld {n}
telephone keypadTelefon-Tastenfeld {n}
wanted on the phone {adj} [postpos.]am Telefon verlangt
The phone is ringing.Das Telefon läutet.
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A 2014-08-03: •ans Telefon gehen, [den Hörer] abheben/abnehmen
Q 2006-07-24: gar nicht erst ans Telefon gehen

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• ans Telefon gehen
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